

单词 staying
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔STAY〕someone who is staying in a hotel or someone's house 住在旅馆或别人家里的人朗文写作活用〔beyond〕a guest staying beyond the hour of welcome 呆得过久而不再受欢迎的来客英汉大词典〔drum〕the thought of him staying awake listening to the drums想到他一直保持清醒, 聆听鼓声外研社新世纪〔fluctuate〕fluctuate between staying or leaving 拿不定主意是留下还是离去英汉大词典〔healthy〕tips for staying healthy 保持健康的秘诀韦氏高阶〔hostel〕homeless families staying in bed and breakfast hostels 待在提供住宿和早餐的收容所中的无处栖身的家庭牛津搭配〔most〕staying on at school for two extra years to study only three, or at the most four subjects.在学校再多呆两年学习仅仅三门、至多四门课程柯林斯高阶〔path〕the challenge of staying on his spiritual path while surrounded by temptation 在诱惑中继续心灵之旅的挑战牛津搭配〔secret〕the secret of staying young保持年轻的秘诀外研社新世纪〔secret〕the secrets of staying healthy 保持健康的秘诀牛津搭配〔staying power〕a long-distance runner with a lot of staying power 耐力很好的长跑运动员韦氏高阶〔staying power〕a song with staying power 经典歌曲韦氏高阶〔staying power〕a team with staying power 有持久力的一支球队朗文当代〔yap〕yap at sb. for staying away so long 责怪某人离开太久英汉大词典




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