

单词 stayed
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔aboard〕like many other loyal policyholders who have stayed aboard the company像一直坚持在本公司投保的许多其他忠实投保人那样外研社新世纪〔circumference〕stayed within the compass of the schoolyard; 停留在校园的范围内;美国传统〔close〕stayed close together.紧紧地靠在一块美国传统〔contagious〕stayed at home until he was no longer contagious.待在家里直到他不再带传染原美国传统〔faithful〕soldiers who stayed faithful to the king 仍然效忠国王的士兵牛津搭配〔obstinacy〕the door of the shop which obstinately stayed closed when he tried to push it open.他怎么使劲也推不开的店门柯林斯高阶〔over〕stayed over the holidays.一直呆到假期结束美国传统〔sensuous〕stayed in a luxurious, flower-filled suite with a crystal chandelier and thick oriental rugs.住在奢华的充满鲜花的套间里,还有水晶掉灯和很厚的东方地毯。美国传统〔stay〕stayed at a motel.住在汽车旅馆里美国传统〔stay〕stayed his anger.暂时平息他的怒火美国传统〔stay〕stayed the week with my parents; stayed the duration of the game.那个星期和父母呆在一起;比赛一直持续美国传统〔stay〕stayed with the original plan.坚持原来的计划美国传统〔sulk〕stayed home in a sulk; a case of the sulks.在家里生闷气;令人愠怒的事美国传统〔this〕never stayed out this late.别再在外面呆这么晚美国传统〔through〕stayed up through the night.熬了一整夜美国传统〔want〕stayed home for want of anything better to do.无事可做只好待在家里美国传统〔within〕arrived within two days; stayed within earshot; within ten miles of home.两天之内到达;呆在听力所及之地;在离家十英里之内美国传统




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