

单词 above ground
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔above ground〕The bird's nest is located high above ground.鸟巢筑在远离地面的高处。韦氏高阶〔air walk〕A passageway enclosed with glass or plastic that connects one building with another at a level well above ground.空中通道:在地面上一高度用玻璃或塑料封闭的连接两座建筑物的通道美国传统〔bunker〕An underground defensive position with a fortified projection above ground level for gun emplacements.掩蔽壕,地堡:一个地下防御工事,有一个高干地面的,用来放枪的防御射击处美国传统〔ground〕At night, badgers feed above ground.夜间,獾来到地面上觅食。朗文当代〔ground〕Nuclear testing above ground has been banned.地上核试验已经被禁止。外研社新世纪〔ground〕The roots may spread as far below ground as does the foliage above ground.地上的枝叶有多高,地下的根就可能有多深。牛津搭配〔ground〕The window is just above ground level.窗户紧贴着地面。牛津搭配The badger appears above ground at night.獾晚上出现在地面上。剑桥国际The window is 2 metres above ground level.这扇窗高于水平线2米。剑桥国际




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