

单词 at the edge of
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔LAND/GROUND〕land at the edge of water 水边的地朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕the areas at the edge of a town or city 城镇边缘的地区朗文写作活用〔appear〕a ruffle showing at the edge of the sleeve. See also Synonyms at seem 袖口上出现的皱褶 参见同义词 seem美国传统〔boggy〕a boggy patch at the edge of the field 田野边缘的一块烂泥地朗文当代〔observable〕galaxies at the edge of the observable universe位于可观测宇宙边缘的星系外研社新世纪〔precipice〕sit down at the edge of the precipice 在悬崖边坐下英汉大词典〔sere〕sere vegetation at the edge of the desert.沙漠边缘上干枯的植物美国传统〔vision〕a figure at the edge of her vision 在她视野边缘的人影朗文当代〔wind〕took a long walk and wound up at the edge of town; overspent and wound up in debt.走了很长一段路后到达小镇的边缘;花费过度,导致负债美国传统〔wine〕a farm at the edge of northern California's wine country 位于加利福尼亚州北部葡萄酒产区边缘的农场牛津搭配




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