

单词 a barrel of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a barrel of laughs〕Several people have lost their jobs recently, so the office isn't exactly a barrel of laughs these days.最近好几个人失业了,所以这些天办公室里欢声笑语都没有了。韦氏高阶〔barrel〕Few people would argue that Margaret Thatcher was a barrel of laughs.没几个人会认为玛格丽特•撒切尔是个风趣的人。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕He was always laughing and joking; he was a barrel of fun.他总是笑声不断, 笑话连篇——他就是个开心果。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕John Hannah admits that filming the latest series wasn't exactly a barrel of laughs.约翰•汉纳承认, 拍摄最近的系列节目不怎么令人愉快。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕Life hasn't exactly been a barrel of laughs lately.最近生活并不十分令人开心。牛津高阶〔barrel〕Life is not exactly a barrel of laughs at the moment.眼下的生活景况不容乐观。朗文当代〔barrel〕She had a barrel of fun for three full years before she became respectable again.她快活了整整三年, 之后才恢复了好名声。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕She was a barrel of fun.她非常有趣。英汉大词典〔barrel〕The ads say the movie will be more fun than a barrel of monkeys.广告上说这部电影将会非常有趣。韦氏高阶〔barrel〕The suppers are always a barrel of laughs.晚餐总是充满欢笑。柯林斯高阶〔barrel〕This game is a barrel of fun.这个游戏很好玩。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕Weddington is the first to admit she's not exactly a barrel of laughs.韦丁顿第一个承认自己其实并不爱搞笑。柯林斯高阶〔barrel〕Weddington is the first to admit she's not exactly a barrel of laughs.韦丁顿第一个承认她并不是个有趣的人。外研社新世纪〔you-know-what〕Sometimes politics can be more fun than a barrel of you-know-what.政治有时比喝上一桶那玩意儿更为有趣。英汉大词典He broached a barrel of cider. 他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。译典通He has a barrel of money about him. 他身上带著许多钱。译典通They drank a barrel of beer (= the contents of a barrel) at the party.他们在晚会上喝掉一桶啤酒。剑桥国际They tapped a barrel of beer. 他们打开桶塞放出啤酒。译典通




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