

单词 sectors
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔STOP〕In June 1948 the Russians blockaded the western sectors of Berlin. 1948年6月,苏联人封锁了柏林西区。朗文写作活用〔WORK FOR SB〕Despite the high unemployment rate, there is a shortage of skilled workers in some sectors. 尽管失业率高,但有些行业还是缺熟练工人。朗文写作活用〔aquaculture〕Farming finfish, shellfish and aquatic plants, known collectively as aquaculture, is one of the world's fastest-growing food sectors.饲养有鳍鱼类、有壳水生动物以及种植水生植物统称水产养殖,是世界上目前发展最迅速的食品产业。剑桥高阶〔biotech〕Sectors like biotech and engineering are unpopular.生物技术和工程之类的行业不受欢迎。外研社新世纪〔comparison〕Its recommendations are based on detailed comparisons between the public and private sectors.建议是建立在对国营部门与私营部门进行详细比较的基础上的。柯林斯高阶〔comprise〕The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.委员会由政府和私人部门的双方代表组成。牛津高阶〔conglomeration〕The conglomeration of financial sectors has accelerated considerably over the last twenty years.金融部门的融合在过去20年来大大加快了。外研社新世纪〔divide up〕The idea is to divide up the country into four sectors.该主张是将国家分成4个防区。柯林斯高阶〔economy〕Drivers are needed in all sectors of the economy.各个经济部门都需要司机。牛津搭配〔format〕To divide (a disk) into marked sectors so that it may store data.为…格式:将(磁盘等)分成标好的若干区域使每个区域都能储存数据美国传统〔go〕If the postal workers go out on strike, other sectors may well join them.如果邮局工人罢工的话,其他部门也很有可能参加。麦克米伦高阶〔interpret〕The term 'business' is here interpreted broadly to include all types of organization in the public and private sectors.business 一词在此泛指公营和私营的各类组织。牛津搭配〔invective〕A stream of invective from some sectors of the press continues to assail the government.某些新闻机构继续对政府进行口诛笔伐。剑桥高阶〔lag〕Catering salaries lag far behind those of other sectors.餐饮业的工资远远落后于其他行业。牛津搭配〔macroeconomics〕The study of the overall aspects and workings of a national economy, such as income, output, and the interrelationship among diverse economic sectors.宏观经济学:对一个国家经济整体方面和运作,如收入、支出和各种经济成份之间相互关系的研究美国传统〔material〕State officials enjoy more material rewards than other sectors.州官员比起其他部门的官员享有更多的物质回报。麦克米伦高阶〔political correctness〕In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.在很注重政治上是否正确的部门,我因此事受到了批评。柯林斯高阶〔recovery〕In many sectors of the economy the recovery has started.许多经济领域已经开始复苏。柯林斯高阶〔sector〕A number of key sectors of the economy are in trouble.几个关键的经济领域出了问题。麦克米伦高阶〔sector〕Berlin was divided into four sectors after the war.战后柏林被划分成 4 个区域。牛津搭配〔sector〕Data is stored on the disk in 512-byte sectors.数据被存储在每个分区512字节的磁盘中。韦氏高阶〔sector〕Officers planned to retake sectors of the city.军官们计划夺回该城市的各个地段。外研社新世纪〔sector〕Officers were going to retake sectors of the city.军官们打算重新夺回该市的防御区。柯林斯高阶〔sector〕Some sectors of the community are opposed to the development plan.社区中的一些小型团体反对开发计划。麦克米伦高阶〔sector〕The survey covers a wide range of industry sectors.该调研覆盖了范围广泛的产业部门。牛津搭配〔sector〕To divide (something) into sectors.区分:把(某物)分成部分美国传统〔sector〕Workers who went abroad for jobs came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.出国工作的工人来自巴基斯坦最贫穷的社会阶层。外研社新世纪〔sector〕Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society.前往海湾的工人来自巴基斯坦最贫穷的社会阶层。柯林斯高阶〔siege〕Under military and economic siege, entire economic sectors have collapsed.在军事和经济封锁下,整个经济已经崩溃。牛津搭配〔touched〕Nor had the benefits of the war years touched all sectors of the population.战争年代的救济金也没有惠及所有的人。柯林斯高阶〔towards〕There is a trend towards healthier eating among all sectors of the population.目前各行各业的人都有一种追求健康饮食的趋势。剑桥高阶〔view〕Sectors in the economy can be viewed in a variety of ways.可以以多种方式看待经济的构成。柯林斯高阶〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。外研社新世纪〔wobbly〕Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、预算赤字拉大以及财政岌岌可危之苦。柯林斯高阶A stream of invective from some sectors of the press continues to assail the government.新闻界某些部门继续用一连串的痛骂来抨击政府。剑桥国际At the end of the war, Germany was divided into four sectors, and the Soviet sector became East Germany.战争结束的时候,德国被分成4个占领区,而苏联占领区成了东德。剑桥国际Key market sectors include IT, telecommunications, finance and insurance.主要的市场板块包括信息技术、电讯、金融和保险。牛津商务Many sectors of the economy remain bloated and uncompetitive.许多经济部门仍然臃肿,缺乏竞争力。牛津商务She claims that the pressure on public hospitals could be relieved by combining medical resources in the public and private sectors.她宣称可以通过结合公私两方面的医疗资源来缓解对公共医院的压力。剑桥国际The committee is comprised of representatives from both the public and private sectors.委员会由政府和私营部门双方代表组成。牛津商务The speeds of growth in the manufacturing and consumer sectors are diverging.制造部门和消费部门的增长速度正在拉开差距。牛津商务There are serious labour shortages in some sectors.某些部门存在严重的劳动力短缺问题。牛津商务There has been a move to defensive sectors, such as health care and food.已出现一种转向保护性部门的动向,例如保健和食物业。牛津商务There is a trend towards healthier eating among all sectors of the population.各阶层的人都有一种追求更有益健康的饮食的趋势。剑桥国际These facilities are used by all sectors of society.这些设备为社会各方面所利用。剑桥国际




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