

单词 according to
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔according to〕a list arranged according to the alphabet.按字母顺序排列制成的表格美国传统〔according to〕classified according to size根据尺寸大小分类外研社新世纪〔according to〕the gospel according to St Matthew《马太福音》所载的福音外研社新世纪〔arrange〕sorted the sweaters according to color; 按颜色将毛衣分类;美国传统〔calculate〕computing fees according to time spent.Reckon, cipher, and figure suggest the use of simple arithmetic: 按时间顺序算出已支出的费用。Reckon, cipher和 figure 表示简单算术的使用: 美国传统〔categorize〕to categorize people according to their jobs 把人员按工作分类牛津搭配〔classification〕the classification of wines according to quality 葡萄酒按品质的分类朗文当代〔classify〕classified according to size/weight 根据大小/重量分类韦氏高阶〔conventional〕conventionally grown food(= grown according to conventional methods) 用传统方法种植的粮食牛津高阶〔define〕define the properties of a new drug; a study that defines people according to their median incomes.解释一种新药的特性;根据人们的平均收入阐释的调查美国传统〔desert〕treat sb. according to his deserts 根据表现如何对待某人英汉大词典〔economy〕a market economy(= one in which the price is fixed according to both cost and demand) 市场经济牛津高阶〔ethos〕a community in which people lived according to an ethos of sharing and caring 人们按照分享与关爱的精神来生活的社区朗文当代〔form〕react according to form (对赛马下赌注时)根据预测作出反应英汉大词典〔gospel〕the Gospel according to St John 约翰福音牛津高阶〔gospel〕the Gospel according to St Luke 路加福音朗文当代〔gospel〕the gospel according to my mom.我妈妈的为人准则柯林斯高阶〔group〕grouped the children according to height.根据身高给孩子们分组美国传统〔hire〕hire and fire workers according to the level of business 根据营业情况雇用或辞退工人英汉大词典〔hour〕pay/charge by the hour (=pay or charge someone according to the number of hours it takes to do something) 按小时付费/收费朗文当代〔light〕acted according to their own lights.按照他们自己的方式行事美国传统〔light〕leave the police to do the job according to their lights 让警方按照他们认为该怎么做就怎么做英汉大词典〔measure〕measure out rewards according to merits 论功行赏英汉大词典〔merit〕judging people according to their merits.以其功过来判断人们美国传统〔need〕a society in which each would receive according to his needs 各取所需的社会英汉大词典〔order〕order one's life according to strict rules 按照严格的规定安排生活 英汉大词典〔routine〕do sth. according to routine 按常规做某事 英汉大词典〔selective〕a selective school(= one that chooses which children to admit, especially according to ability) 择优录取学生的学校牛津高阶〔spec〕parts built according to spec 按规格制造的零件韦氏高阶〔staple〕to staple apples according to the quality把苹果按质分级21世纪英汉〔variation〕variation according to the time of year 一年之中随时间不同而发生的变化牛津搭配〔vary〕vary the treatment according to circumstances 酌情予以不同处理英汉大词典〔weight〕a computer program which weights the different transitions according to their likelihood.根据可能性的大小对不同转换进行加权处理的电脑程序柯林斯高阶〔weight〕a computer program which weights the different transitions according to their likelihood根据不同转变的可能性对其进行加权处理的电脑程序外研社新世纪




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