

单词 accomplishment
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔accomplishment〕a poet of rare accomplishment 出类拔萃的诗人牛津高阶〔accomplishment〕a work of real accomplishment 真正伟大的作品牛津搭配〔accomplishment〕be difficult (easy) of accomplishment 难(易)完成英汉大词典〔accomplishment〕the accomplishment of policy goals 政策目标的实现朗文当代〔chief〕their chief accomplishment 他们的主要成就韦氏高阶〔epic〕an accomplishment of epic proportions 巨大的成就韦氏高阶〔incline〕an accomplishment that disposes us to admire him; 一项令我们崇拜他的成就;美国传统〔laud〕laud sb. for his accomplishment 因某人的造诣而称颂他英汉大词典〔mighty〕a mighty accomplishment 巨大成就英汉大词典〔savour〕savour the joy of accomplishment 体味到成功的欢乐英汉大词典〔splendid〕a splendid accomplishment 光辉的成就英汉大词典




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