

单词 old french
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Anglo-Norman〕The dialect of Old French, derived chiefly from Norman French, that was used by the Anglo-Normans.英国法语:古法语方言,主要从诺曼法语发展而来由移居英国的诺曼人使用美国传统〔FINISH〕She ended her recital with an old French song. 她唱了一首法文老歌,以此结束独唱会。朗文写作活用〔Norman French〕The dialect of Old French used in medieval Normandy.诺曼法语:古法语方言,用于中世纪的诺曼底美国传统〔Old North French〕The dialects of Old French spoken in northern France, especially in Normandy and Picardy.古法国北方方言:在法国北部,特别是诺曼底和皮卡迪地区使用的古法语的方言美国传统〔bourrée〕An old French dance resembling the gavotte, usually in quick duple time beginning with an upbeat.布列舞:类似于加伏特舞的一种老式法国舞蹈,通常是以一个弱拍开始的快速两拍舞美国传统〔derivation〕The word is of old French derivation.该词源于古法语。柯林斯高阶Old French 古法语剑桥国际




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