

单词 atreus
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Pelops〕The son of Tantalus and father of Atreus.佩罗普斯:坦塔罗斯之子和阿特柔斯之父美国传统〔Thyestes〕A king of Mycenae who unknowingly ate the flesh of his own sons, served to him by his brother Atreus, as revenge for seducing his wife and usurping the throne.泰伊斯特斯:迈锡尼的一个国王,他在不知真相的情况下吃了他兄弟阿特柔斯进贡给他的他儿子们的肉,这是阿特柔斯对他勾引其妻子并篡夺王位的报复美国传统




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