

单词 anew
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anew〕He began his work anew.他再次开始工作。外研社新世纪〔anew〕He began his work anew.他重新开始工作。柯林斯高阶〔anew〕He demonstrated anew that he's not a good leader.他再次表明他不是一个好的领导者。韦氏高阶〔anew〕I awoke feeling born anew.我一觉醒来有了重生的感觉。外研社新世纪〔anew〕I was ready to leave everything behind and start anew in California.我准备舍弃一切,在加州开始新的生活。朗文当代〔anew〕Let's start [begin] anew.我们重新开始吧。文馨英汉〔anew〕Please play the tune anew.请把这支曲子再奏一遍。英汉大词典〔anew〕She is ready to start anew.她已准备好重新开始。外研社新世纪〔anew〕She is ready to start life anew.她已准备好开始新生活。外研社新世纪〔anew〕She's ready to start anew.她准备重新开始。柯林斯高阶〔anew〕The committee is going to examine the whole situation anew.委员会将重新调查整个情况。朗文当代〔anew〕The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power.这部电影重现了他成名掌权的发迹史。剑桥高阶〔anew〕The poem has been translated anew for this new book.在这本新书中,这首诗被重新翻译了。韦氏高阶〔anew〕The process begins anew each spring.这个过程在每年春天重新开始。韦氏高阶〔anew〕The process of conflict began anew.冲突的进程又开始了。外研社新世纪〔anew〕These problems must be dealt with anew.这些问题必须重新处理。韦氏高阶〔anew〕They started life anew in Canada.他们在加拿大开始新生。牛津高阶〔de novo〕Over again, anew.再一次、重新美国传统〔evocation〕Creation anew through the power of the memory or imagination.再现:通过记忆和想象的力量再创造美国传统〔flame up〕The fire, which had seemed to be on the point of going out, suddenly flamed up anew.火看上去就要熄灭了, 可突然又猛烈燃烧起来。外研社新世纪〔re-create〕To create anew.再创造美国传统〔re-fund〕To fund anew.再次为…提供资金美国传统〔reapportion〕To distribute anew.重新分配美国传统〔reconstitute〕Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew.渐渐地,犹太社区得到重建,犹太人的生活重新开始。柯林斯高阶〔regenerate〕Formed or created anew.重建的:重新形成或创造的美国传统〔regenerate〕To form, construct, or create anew, especially in an improved state.重建:尤指以改进的状态重新形成、建构或创立美国传统〔reinterpret〕To interpret again or anew.再解释:再次或重新解释美国传统〔remake〕To make again or anew.重新做或更新美国传统〔renegotiate〕To negotiate anew.重新谈判美国传统〔renewedly〕Over again; anew.再一次;重新美国传统〔reorganize〕To organize again or anew.改组;重新组织美国传统〔repackage〕To package again or anew, especially in a more attractive package.重新包装:再次或重新包装,尤指包在一个更精美诱人的包装物内美国传统〔resurvey〕To survey or study anew.重新调查或研究美国传统〔revamp〕To vamp (a shoe) anew.重换(鞋)的鞋面美国传统〔revolving fund〕A fund established for a certain purpose, such as making loans, with the stipulation that repayments to the fund may be used anew for the same purpose.循环基金:为某种目的建立的基金,例如提供贷款,规定基金的收入可重新用于同样目的美国传统〔rewind〕To wind again or anew.再绕,重绕:再次或重新卷绕美国传统〔start over〕She would have to start over anew.她可能需要重新开始。外研社新世纪He played the tune anew. 他把那支曲子重新奏了一遍。译典通The film tells anew the story of his rise to fame and power.这部影片再度叙述了他成名与得势的故事。剑桥国际You should repent and start anew. 你应悔过自新。译典通




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