

单词 adheres
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Mr Clean〕A man who adheres to the highest standards of personal and professional conduct, especially a public figure of unquestioned integrity.克林先生:被认为是有极高人品和知识技能的人物,尤指清白正直的公众人物美国传统〔Nestorian〕Of, relating to, or being an Eastern church that adheres to this doctrine.景教的:属于,相关或是遵守这个教义的一个东方教派的美国传统〔adhere to〕She adheres to [=follows] a strict vegetarian diet.她严格坚持素食。韦氏高阶〔adhere〕She adheres to teaching methods she learned over 30 years ago.她依循她 30 多年前所学的教学法教学。牛津高阶〔adhere〕This sticky compound adheres well on this surface.这种黏性化合物能牢牢地粘在这个表面上。外研社新世纪〔adhere〕This sticky compound adheres well on this surface.这种黏性的化合物能牢牢地粘在这个表面上。柯林斯高阶〔clingstone〕Of or relating to a fruit, especially a peach, having flesh that adheres closely to the stone.果肉紧贴于核的:水果的或与水果有关的,尤指果肉紧贴于核的桃美国传统〔heathen〕One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.异教徒:一个国家或民族中不信犹太教、基督教或伊斯兰教的人美国传统〔hidebound〕Having abnormally dry, stiff skin that adheres closely to the underlying flesh. Used of domestic animals such as cattle.皮包骨的:皮肤干燥,缺乏弹性,紧贴于其下的肌肉。多用于家畜,例如牛美国传统〔pluralist〕Philosophy One who adheres to pluralism.【哲学】 多元论者:坚持多元论的人美国传统〔systematist〕One who adheres to or formulates a system or systems.订立制度者,履行制度者:体系或制度的遵循者或制定者美国传统




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