

单词 after
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔AFTER〕after a particular time or event 在某一时间或某事发生以后朗文写作活用〔AFTER〕to be the next person or thing after another in a list, series etc 在名单或清单、系列等中位于某人或某物之后朗文写作活用〔FOLLOW〕happening after something 在某事之后发生朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕become happy again after a period of problems or unhappiness 经历过一段时期的困难或不幸之后又高兴起来朗文写作活用〔LIE〕to lie down after you have been standing or sitting 从站或坐的姿势躺下朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕to start behaving sensibly after not being sensible 行为在不理智后开始理智起来朗文写作活用〔Socinian〕after Laelius Socinus and Faustus Socinus 源自莱利乌斯 Socinus浮士图斯 Socinus 美国传统〔TRUE〕when facts are shown to be true after being examined 经过检查后证明情况属实朗文写作活用〔advisedly〕speak advisedly after lengthy deliberation 经过长时间周密思考胸有成竹地说英汉大词典〔after〕a fable after the manner of Aesop 一篇伊索式的寓言英汉大词典〔after〕asked after you.询问关于你的情况美国传统〔after〕look before and after 瞻前顾后,思前想后文馨英汉〔after〕stare after sb.瞪大眼睛望着某人的背影英汉大词典〔another〕one shop after another一家接一家店铺外研社新世纪〔appetency〕an appetency after literary distinction 追求在文学界知名的欲望英汉大词典〔bearing〕lost my bearings after taking the wrong exit.走错出口后我便迷了路美国传统〔big bang〕a few billion years after the big bang 创世大爆炸后的几十亿年韦氏高阶〔cap〕cap a tank after filling it up with petrol 装满汽油后把油箱盖上英汉大词典〔cloud nine〕was on cloud nine after winning the marathon.在赢得马拉松赛后无比幸福美国传统〔develop〕after developing one roll of film.冲洗了一卷胶卷后柯林斯高阶〔exertion〕flushed and sweating with exertion after digging 掘土后累得脸红、流汗牛津搭配〔exhausted〕exhausted after a hard game.苦战一局之后感到筋疲力尽。牛津同义词〔fiacre〕after the Hôtel de Saint Fiacre in Paris 源自旅馆德·圣 菲阿克 ,位于巴黎 美国传统〔follow〕follow after sb.追赶某人英汉大词典〔fresh〕fresh after a shower.淋浴后精神饱满。牛津同义词〔heady〕in the heady days just after their marriage他们刚结婚时那些甜蜜的日子外研社新世纪〔hour〕a local restaurant where steel workers unwind after hours.钢厂工人下班后去放松一下的当地餐馆柯林斯高阶〔interest〕look after one's own interests 照顾自己的利益英汉大词典〔keep〕keep misbehaving pupils in after class 把过失学生课后关晚学英汉大词典〔licking〕after you've taken all these lickings at the hands of the Republicans在被共和党人多次击败之后外研社新世纪〔limousine〕perhaps after Limousin 可能源自 Limousin美国传统〔magically〕the story of a young boy's adventures after he is magically transported through the cinema screen一名小男孩魔法般地穿越电影屏幕后的冒险故事外研社新世纪〔manner〕after the manner of songs 以歌曲的方式英汉大词典〔medication〕after years of medication with tranquillizers经过多年使用镇静剂的治疗外研社新世纪〔medicine〕have a dose of medicine after each meal 每顿饭后服用一剂英汉大词典〔memory〕one of those films that haunts the memory long after it has been watched 那些看过许久以后仍无法忘记的电影中的一部牛津搭配〔meta-analysis〕a meta-analysis of quality of life estimates after stroke 对中风后生活质量研究的统合分析剑桥高阶〔minute〕four minutes after / past two 2 点过 4 分牛津搭配〔month〕the month after next 下下个月英汉大词典〔nation-building〕calling for reconciliation and nation building after the bitter election campaign.竞争异常激烈的选举活动过后,对民族和解及国家建构的呼声柯林斯高阶〔normalize〕to normalize relationships after a quarrel.争吵后把关系正常化。牛津同义词〔one〕score one success after another 取得一次又一次的成功 英汉大词典〔overall〕your overall score after two rounds 两轮以后你的总分韦氏高阶〔passage〕after the passage of eighteen months.18个月过去后柯林斯高阶〔pocket〕was a hundred dollars in pocket after a day at the races.在赌马场上呆了一天后兜里有了一百美元美国传统〔procreate〕procreating one rumour after another一再散布谣言21世纪英汉〔prowl〕beasts prowling after their prey四处觅食的野兽21世纪英汉〔public nuisance〕the 45-day jail sentence he received for causing a public nuisance after taking part in a demonstration他在参与游行之后因妨害公共罪被判入狱45天外研社新世纪〔pursue〕pursue after a runaway 追赶一名逃犯英汉大词典〔reconstruction〕the reconstruction of Western Europe after the war 战后西欧的重建朗文当代〔restart〕restarted the engine after it stalled.引擎发生故障后再次启动美国传统〔retake〕retake a city after severe fighting 激战后夺回一座城市英汉大词典〔run〕run after new theories 对新理论孜孜以求英汉大词典〔scatter〕to scatter after gathering集中后分散开21世纪英汉〔strain〕strain after effects [an effect] 极力讲究效果文馨英汉〔tomorrow〕the day after tomorrow 后天英汉大词典〔vocation〕have a real vocation for looking after the sick 有照料病人的真实本领英汉大词典〔wretched〕feel wretched after illness 病后感到苦恼英汉大词典a revolving-door workplace (= where people take jobs but leave after a short time) 人员流动大的工作场所牛津商务ageist attitudes about life after 40 对年纪大于 40 岁的人的年龄歧视态度牛津商务




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