

单词 aspiring
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔WANT/NOT WANT〕a part-time course for aspiring chefs 为有志成为厨师者开设的兼读课程朗文写作活用〔aspire〕aspiring to great knowledge.追求渊博的知识美国传统〔aspire〕an aspiring young writer 有抱负的青年作者韦氏高阶〔aspire〕college graduates aspiring to careers in finance 有志于从事金融行业的大学毕业生朗文当代〔aspiring〕aspiring young writers 胸怀壮志的年轻作家朗文当代〔aspiring〕an aspiring actor 胸怀大志的演员麦克米伦高阶〔aspiring〕an aspiring politician.有大志的政治家。牛津同义词〔aspiring〕an aspiring young politician (scholar) 有雄心壮志的年轻政治家(学者)英汉大词典〔aspiring〕the aspiring middle classes 有抱负的中产阶级朗文当代〔audition〕to audition aspiring actors对有志气的演员进行面试21世纪英汉〔crew〕the motley crew of failed and aspiring actors who comprised the 'distinguished guests'.“贵宾”由一群形形色色的演员组成,有的郁郁不得志,有的胸怀抱负柯林斯高阶〔crew〕the motley crew of failed and aspiring actors who comprised the 'distinguished guests'“贵宾”由一群形形色色的演员组成, 有的落魄潦倒, 有的还在做明星梦外研社新世纪〔hamper〕an aspiring leadership that refused to be hog-tied; 有抱负的领导拒绝被缚住手脚;美国传统〔head to head〕a head-to-head between the champion and the aspiring champion卫冕冠军与冠军争夺者之间的一场较量外研社新世纪〔head-to-head〕a head-to-head between the champion and the aspiring champion.卫冕冠军和挑战者之间的正面交锋柯林斯高阶〔singer〕an aspiring concert singer 有抱负的歌唱家牛津搭配〔writer〕a chance for aspiring writers to get their work published 让有抱负的作家发表作品的机会牛津搭配




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