

单词 labor camp
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔consign〕Survivors described how they were consigned to labor camps.幸存者描述了他们是如何被发配到了劳工集中营的。韦氏高阶〔gulag〕A forced labor camp or prison, especially for political dissidents.政治犯集中营:劳改集中营或监狱,尤指关押政治上持不同政见者美国传统〔gulag〕A network of forced labor camps in the Soviet Union.古拉格:苏联劳改集中营系统美国传统〔gulag〕A place or situation of great suffering and hardship, likened to the atmosphere in a prison system or a forced labor camp.艰苦磨难:引起痛苦和艰难的地方或局势,类似监狱或者劳改集中营内的气氛美国传统〔zek〕An inmate of a Soviet labor camp.犯人:苏联劳改营的犯人美国传统The prisoner was sent to a labor camp for correction. 囚犯被判往劳工营改过自新。译典通




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