

单词 a thought
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔IDEA〕I've just had a thought - it might be quicker to go by bus. 我刚刚想到一个主意:乘公共汽车去可能更快些。朗文写作活用〔aposiopesis〕A sudden breaking off of a thought in the middle of a sentence, as though the speaker were unwilling or unable to continue.突然中断,中止法,顿绝:思想在句子中间突然中断,好象说话人不愿意或无法继续讲下去美国传统〔block〕Psychology Sudden cessation of speech or a thought process without an immediate observable cause, sometimes considered a consequence of repression.【心理学】 中断:说话或思虑无意识地突然中断,可能是感情压抑的结果美国传统〔chill〕It was a thought that chilled me to the core.这种想法使我不寒而栗。麦克米伦高阶〔conceit〕The result of intellectual activity; a thought or an opinion.思想,观点:智力活动产生的结果;思想或观点美国传统〔crystallize〕Inside her a thought was crystallizing.她心中有个想法开始形成了。朗文当代〔edge〕A thought edged into her brain.一个想法渐渐进入她的脑子。英汉大词典〔flit〕A thought flitted through my mind.我脑海中掠过一个念头。牛津高阶〔head〕A thought suddenly came into my head.突然我有了一个主意。麦克米伦高阶〔idea〕Something, such as a thought or conception, that potentially or actually exists in the mind as a product of mental activity.思想,概念:思想活动的产物,它是存在或潜伏于大脑中的想法或概念美国传统〔ideomotor〕Of or relating to an unconscious or involuntary bodily movement made in response to a thought or an idea rather than to a sensory stimulus.观念运动的:一种由内心思想引起而不是受感官刺激而发生的、下意识或不自觉的身体运动;或与此有关的美国传统〔intellection〕A thought or an idea.想法或观点美国传统〔musing〕A product of contemplation; a thought.沉思的所得;想法:美国传统〔reflection〕A thought or an opinion resulting from such consideration.深思熟虑的想法:通过这种考虑产生的想法或观点美国传统〔run〕A thought ran through my mind.我脑子里闪过一个念头。英汉大词典〔sentiment〕A thought, a view, or an attitude based on feeling or emotion instead of reason.感想:基于感情或情绪而不是理智的思想、观点或态度美国传统〔spare〕I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.我不认为我们中间有任何一个人同情过这艘船的船员所遭受的磨难。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.我认为我们中间没有人体谅这艘船的船员所遭受过的磨难。外研社新世纪〔spare〕Please, spare a thought for the homeless this Christmas.请为那些这个圣诞节无家可归的人想想吧。麦克米伦高阶〔spare〕Spare a thought for Nick, who's doing his exams right now.想想尼克吧,他现在正在考试呢。朗文当代〔spare〕Spare a thought for me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, because I'll still be here in the office! 明天你躺在海滩上的时候,就想想我吧,因为我还在办公室里!剑桥高阶〔spare〕Spare a thought for the nation's shopkeepers — consumer sales slid again in May.可怜一下这个国家的店老板吧—— 5 月份消费品的销售量又下滑了。柯林斯高阶〔spare〕You should spare a thought for(= think about)the person who cleans up after you.你应该为随后打扫的人着想啊。牛津高阶〔spring〕A cry sprang from her lips. A thought springs to mind.她突然一声尖叫。一种想法突然出现在脑海里美国传统〔tendency〕These nouns are compared as they refer to the direction or course of an action or a thought.当这些名词都指一种行为或思想方向或过程时它们可以互相比较。美国传统〔thought〕A thought struck her and she asked, 'Luke, are you married?' 她想起来就问道:“卢克,你结婚了吗?”朗文当代〔thought〕Be a thought more careful.稍微再仔细一些。英汉大词典〔thought〕Be a thought more patient.要忍耐一点。文馨英汉〔thought〕He seems a thought arrogant.他似乎有点傲慢。英汉大词典〔thought〕I never gave it a thought.我从未考虑过这事。麦克米伦高阶〔thought〕I've just had a thought (= an idea).我刚刚有了个想法。牛津搭配〔thought〕I've just had a thought.我刚刚有了个主意。柯林斯高阶〔thought〕I've just had a thought.我刚想到一个主意。外研社新世纪〔thought〕It was just a thought, Duncan. I didn't mean any offence.这仅仅是一个想法而已,邓肯。 我不想冒犯你。朗文当代〔thought〕It's a thought too large.太大了一点。文馨英汉〔thought〕Just a thought more sugar, please.请稍微再加一点糖。英汉大词典〔thought〕She hardly gave his proposal a thought.她几乎没有去考虑他的提议。文馨英汉〔thought〕Spare a thought for (= think about) all those without shelter on a cold night like this.想想那些在这样的寒夜无处栖身的人们。剑桥高阶〔thought〕Spare a thought for those who don't have enough to eat.关心一下那些吃不饱肚子的人吧。朗文当代〔thought〕Spare a thought for those without enough to eat this winter.请关心一下今冬食不果腹的人。牛津高阶〔thought〕Spare a thought for us-we'll be working through the night to finish the report.替我们想想吧 - 我们得干个通宵来完成这份报告。牛津搭配〔thought〕While you're enjoying the holidays, you should spare a thought for those who are less fortunate.当你享受假期时,你应当多想想那些不太幸运的人。韦氏高阶〔thought〕Would Mark be able to help? It's just a thought.马克能帮忙吗?就这么一想而已。牛津搭配〔thought〕You could be a thought more considerate.你应该多替别人考虑一些美国传统〔thought〕You could be a thought more enthusiastic.你可以再热情一点。外研社新世纪〔ultima Thule〕The northernmost region of the habitable world as thought of by ancient geographers.极北地区:古代的地理学家认为的可居住地带最北的地区美国传统A thought flashed through my mind. 我脑子里闪过一个想法。译典通Spare a thought for (= Think about) all those without shelter on a cold night like this.想想所有那些在这样的寒夜无处栖身的人们。剑桥国际Spare a thought for (= Think about) me tomorrow, when you're lying on a beach, and I'm still here in the office! 替我想一想吧,当你明天躺在海滩上时,我却还在办公室里!剑桥国际That's a thought ( = That's a good idea)! 好主意!剑桥国际




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