

单词 aristocrats
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aristocrat〕Many aristocrats were killed in the French Revolution.法国大革命中很多贵族被处死。剑桥高阶〔example〕He is setting an example which other aristocrats and leading Britons should follow.他为其他贵族和伦敦要人们树立了榜样。柯林斯高阶〔example〕He is setting an example which other aristocrats and leading Britons should follow.他正在为英国其他贵族及精英阶层树立榜样。外研社新世纪〔guillotine〕French aristocrats who went to the guillotine被送上断头台的法国贵族外研社新世纪〔loom〕Revolution loomed but the aristocrats paid no heed.革命已迫在眉睫,但贵族们并未加以注意美国传统〔mossback〕He had the backing of other mossback aristocrats.他得到其他守旧派贵族的支持。英汉大词典〔peerage〕Burke's Peerage, the expensive handbook for aristocrats who are vague about their ancestors《伯克贵族名册》, 供不知自己祖先是谁的贵族们使用的昂贵手册外研社新世纪In the Roman Empire, aristocrats ruled over plebeians. 在罗马帝国里,贵族统治平民。译典通Many aristocrats (=members of the aristocracy) were killed in the French Revolution.许多贵族在法国大革命中被处死。剑桥国际The club membership was once limited to aristocrats. 这个俱乐部成员的资格一度仅给予贵族。译典通




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