

单词 disperse
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-tailed〕The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。柯林斯高阶〔CROWD〕National Guard troops were called in to disperse the crowd. 国民警卫队被召来驱散人群。朗文写作活用〔CROWD〕Once the ambulance had left, the crowd began to disperse. 救护车一离开,人群便开始散去。朗文写作活用〔Jew〕A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the ancient Hebrews and sharing an ethnic heritage based on Judaism.犹太教徒:古代希伯来人的广泛分布的后代子孙,他们沿袭着犹太教的种族传统美国传统〔LEAVE〕The arrival of armed police made the students disperse. 武装警察赶到,学生就散开了。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Twenty five officers were injured when police moved in to disperse a crowd of 200-300 youths. 警察进来驱散一个由二三百名青年组成的人群时,有25名警员受了伤。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕The already charged atmosphere erupted into violence when police told the crowd to disperse. 警察叫人群散开,这时本已紧张的气氛突然爆发成暴力冲突。朗文写作活用〔Niger-Congo〕A large and widely dispersed language family of sub-Saharan Africa that includes the Mande, West Atlantic, and Central Niger-Congo branches.尼日尔一刚果语系:非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南一个大的分散型语系,包括曼迪、西大西洋和中央尼日尔一刚果等语支美国传统〔SERIOUS〕The situation is said to be critical and the army has been brought in to disperse the mob. 据说情况非常危急,已调动军队来驱散暴民。朗文写作活用〔SHOOT〕Police fired shots into the air and used water cannon to disperse the crowd. 警察朝天鸣枪,并用高压水炮驱散人群。朗文写作活用〔baton〕The police were ordered to draw their batons and disperse the crowd.警察奉命用警棍驱散人群。牛津搭配〔birdshot〕The crowd was dispersed by police using tear gas and birdshot.警察用催泪瓦斯和小号铅弹驱散了人群。朗文当代〔cannon〕Riot police used water cannon to disperse the crowd.防暴警察用高压水龙驱散人群。牛津搭配〔crowd〕After the ambulance drove off, the crowd dispersed.救护车开走后,人群就散开了。牛津搭配〔crowd〕It took some two hours before the crowd was fully dispersed.大概花了两个小时才把人群全部疏散完。外研社新世纪〔crowd〕It took some two hours before the crowd was fully dispersed.大概花了两个小时才把人群全部疏散开。柯林斯高阶〔crowd〕Police were called to disperse the crowd.警察奉召到场驱散人群。牛津搭配〔crowd〕Troops fired tear gas and shots to disperse a crowd of 15,000 demonstrators.军队发射催泪弹和开枪来驱散 15,000 名示威群众。朗文当代〔demand〕The police demanded that the rioters disperse immediately.警察勒令闹事者立即散开。英汉大词典〔demonstration〕Police in riot gear dispersed the demonstration.防暴警察驱散了示威人群。牛津搭配〔demonstrator〕The demonstrators refused to disperse.示威者拒绝散去。牛津搭配〔demonstrator〕Troops were brought in to disperse the demonstrators.军队被召来驱散示威者。牛津搭配〔disband〕To cease to function as an organization; disperse.解散,遣散:终止如某一组织的职能;驱散美国传统〔disorderly〕The police attempted to disperse the disorderly crowd.警察试图驱散骚乱的人群。外研社新世纪〔dispersant〕A liquid or gas added to a mixture to promote dispersion or to maintain dispersed particles in suspension.分散剂:加入混合物中以促进粒子分散或维持粒子分散悬浮状态的液体或气体美国传统〔disperse along〕Groups of police were dispersed all along the street.沿街设置了一群群警察。21世纪英汉〔disperse along〕The soldiers were dispersed along a bank.士兵们沿堤岸散开。21世纪英汉〔disperse by〕The fog was dispersed by the wind.雾被风驱散了。21世纪英汉〔disperse by〕The swelling on her leg was dispersed by cold compresses.冷敷消除了她腿上的肿块。21世纪英汉〔disperse for〕School dispersed for the winter vacation.学校放寒假了。21世纪英汉〔disperse for〕The employees dispersed for the holidays.雇员们都分头度假去了。21世纪英汉〔disperse from〕The tousled clouds have dispersed from the sky.天空中的乱云已消散。21世纪英汉〔disperse into〕The heavy smoke dispersed into the sky.浓烟消散在天空了。21世纪英汉〔disperse phase〕The particles or droplets in a disperse system that are dispersed throughout a medium.分散相:在分散体系中,通过介质过滤的小粒或小滴美国传统〔disperse throughout〕The Chinese are dispersed throughout the world.华人分布在世界各地。21世纪英汉〔disperse to〕After school the students dispersed to their homes.放学后学生们四散回家了。21世纪英汉〔disperse with〕The hot day air dispersed with the evenfall.白天的热气随着黄昏的到来而消散。21世纪英汉〔dispersed〕Botswana's large land mass and dispersed population博茨瓦纳大片的土地和散落的人口外研社新世纪〔dispersed〕They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups.他们零星散居在安第斯山脉的高处。外研社新世纪〔dispersed〕They live high in the Andes, in small and dispersed groups.他们零星散居在安第斯山脉的高处。柯林斯高阶〔disperse〕A prism disperses light.三棱镜可使光色散。英汉大词典〔disperse〕Because the town sits in a valley, air pollution is not easily dispersed.因为小镇坐落在山谷中,空气污染不太容易散去。柯林斯高阶〔disperse〕Birds disperse a large proportion of the seeds.鸟传播大部分的种子。麦克米伦高阶〔disperse〕Birds dispersed the seeds.鸟类将种子散播开来。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕He dismissed his helpers and everyone dispersed about his business.他打发帮忙的人离开,各人便分头去干自己的事了。英汉大词典〔disperse〕Members of her family are now dispersed around the world.现在她的家人分散在世界各地。牛津搭配〔disperse〕Police dispersed the crowd that had gathered.警察驱散了聚在一起的人群。剑桥高阶〔disperse〕Police dispersed the protesters with tear gas.警察用催泪弹驱散了抗议者。牛津高阶〔disperse〕Police dispersed the protesters.警方驱散了抗议者。韦氏高阶〔disperse〕Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas.警察用催泪毒气驱散暴乱者。英汉大词典〔disperse〕Police fired shots and used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.警察开枪并使用催泪瓦斯驱散示威者。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕Police fired shots and used teargas to disperse the demonstrators.警方鸣枪并使用催泪弹来驱散示威者。柯林斯高阶〔disperse〕Police ordered the crowd to disperse.警方命令人群散开。韦氏高阶〔disperse〕Police used tear gas to disperse the crowd.警察用催泪瓦斯驱散人群。朗文当代〔disperse〕School dispersed for the summer vacation.师生散去,学校放暑假了。英汉大词典〔disperse〕Soldiers fired tear gas to disperse the crowds.士兵们发射催泪弹来驱散人群。麦克米伦高阶〔disperse〕Tall chimneys can disperse the smoke.高烟囱能够使烟散开。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕Teachers disperse knowledge.教师传播知识。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕The airplane dispersed the leaflets over the city.飞机在城市上空散发传单美国传统〔disperse〕The bird-feeding system evenly disperses food and water.这一禽鸟喂养系统均衡地散布食物和水。牛津搭配〔disperse〕The clouds dispersed as quickly as they had gathered.云聚集得快,散得也快。朗文当代〔disperse〕The company dispersed its workforce throughout the country.公司把劳动力分布全国各地。牛津同义词〔disperse〕The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.人群在祈祷完毕后平静地散去。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕The crowd dispersed peacefully after prayers.祈祷仪式过后,人们静静散去。柯林斯高阶〔disperse〕The crowd dispersed quickly.人群很快便散开了。牛津高阶〔disperse〕The crowd dispersed when the police arrived.当警察赶到时人群四下散去了。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕The crowd dispersed.群 众散开了。牛津同义词〔disperse〕The crowd slowly began to disperse.人群开始慢慢散去。牛津搭配〔disperse〕The fog began to disperse.雾开始散了。牛津高阶〔disperse〕The intense currents disperse the sewage.急流冲散了污水。柯林斯高阶〔disperse〕The intense currents disperse the sewage.急流能够冲散污水。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕The light passing through a prism is dispersed into a band of colours.通过棱镜的光线色散成一条彩色的光带。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕The police dispersed the crowd.警察驱散了人群美国传统〔disperse〕The population in this area is very widely dispersed.这一地区人口稀疏。牛津搭配〔disperse〕The riot police dispersed the crowd.防暴警察驱散了人群。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕The seeds are dispersed by the wind.这些种子由风传播。牛津高阶〔disperse〕The seeds are dispersed over a wide area.种子被散布到广泛的区域。牛津搭配〔disperse〕The seeds were dispersed on the plowed lands.种子被撒播在耕过的土地上。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕The soldiers dispersed and vanished into the woods.士兵们四散开来, 消失在了树林里。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕The storm clouds had dispersed by noon.正午前暴风云已消散美国传统〔disperse〕The wind dispersed the fog.风把雾吹散了。英汉大词典〔disperse〕The wind dispersed the fog.风驱散了雾。21世纪英汉〔disperse〕They waited for the fog to disperse.他们等待着雾气消散。外研社新世纪〔disperse〕Warm air rises and disperses throughout the building.暖空气上升,遍及全楼。牛津搭配〔disperse〕When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.雨下来时人群开始四处散开。剑桥高阶〔disperse〕When the sun came out ,the fog dispersed.太阳出来时,雾消散了。21世纪英汉〔dispersion medium〕The continuous medium, such as a gas, liquid, or solid, in which a disperse phase is distributed.弥散剂:分散相得以分发的连续剂,如气体、液体或固体美国传统〔dispersion〕The state of being dispersed.消散的状态美国传统〔dispersive〕Tending to become dispersed.趋向分散的美国传统〔dissipate〕To drive away; disperse.驱离;使散开美国传统〔dissolve〕To break up or disperse.解散,散去美国传统〔gas〕Police used gas to disperse the crowd.警察用瓦斯驱散了人群。麦克米伦高阶〔gel〕A colloid in which the disperse phase has combined with the dispersion medium to produce a semisolid material, such as a jelly.凝胶,胶冻:一种胶体,其间分散物质与分散媒介相混合,以制造一种半固体状物质,例如果冻美国传统〔grenade〕A glass container filled with a chemical that is dispersed when the container is thrown and smashed.榴弹:一种装有化学制剂的玻璃容器,它被扔出并摔碎时其化学制剂将散播开美国传统〔gunshot〕Police fired gunshots and tear gas to disperse the rioters.警察开枪并用催泪弹驱散骚乱的人群。麦克米伦高阶〔hold/stand firm〕The protesters stood firm as the police tried to disperse them.警察试图驱散示威者,但他们坚守阵地,一动不动。剑桥高阶〔homogenize〕To reduce to particles and disperse throughout a fluid.使成为颗粒并在液体中分散开来美国传统〔horseback〕The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback.人群被骑警驱散了。外研社新世纪〔hurl into〕We were all hurled into the battle before the police dispersed us.在警察驱散我们之前,我们全都参加了那场殴斗。21世纪英汉〔kill〕We dispersed on foot to retrieve the kill.我们分头步行找回打中的猎物。外研社新世纪〔lash out〕Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.防暴警察朝天开枪并挥舞警棍驱散数百名示威者。柯林斯高阶〔lay up〕The boats were laid up and the crews dispersed.船只被搁置, 船员被遣散。外研社新世纪〔liquid〕The state of matter in which a substance exhibits a characteristic readiness to flow, little or no tendency to disperse, and relatively high incompressibility.液态:物质的一种状态,指物质表现出易于流动,较少或没有分散的倾向以及相对较高的不可压缩性等特征美国传统〔live〕Troops fired live ammunition to disperse the crowd.军队发射实弹驱散人群。朗文当代〔melt〕The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness.年轻人散开了,消失在夜幕之中。柯林斯高阶〔melt〕The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness.这些年轻人散开, 并消失在黑暗中。外研社新世纪〔melt〕To cause to disappear gradually; disperse.逐渐消散:使逐渐消失;驱散美国传统〔midsole〕The middle layer of a sole, as of an athletic shoe, often designed to disperse weight or provide stability to the foot.鞋底中层:鞋底的中层,例如运动鞋,常设计用以分散重量或提供足部稳定性美国传统〔move in〕Police moved in to disperse the crowd.警察开进来驱散人群。柯林斯高阶〔peaceable〕The crowd dispersed in a peaceable manner.人群平静地散开了。韦氏高阶〔peptize〕To disperse (a precipitate) to form a colloid.胶溶:分解沉淀物形成胶质美国传统〔powder〕A substance consisting of ground, pulverized, or otherwise finely dispersed solid particles.粉末:由磨粉、研碎或均匀分布的固体颗粒组成的物质美国传统〔protest〕The crowd dispersed without protest.人群没有抗议就散去了。牛津搭配〔rallied〕The company commander rallied his defeated and dispersed troops.连长把他的打了败仗的溃散部队重新召集起来。21世纪英汉〔rally〕A reassembling, as of dispersed troops.重新集合:重新聚集,如分散的部队美国传统〔rioter〕The militia dispersed the rioters.民兵驱散了暴乱者。柯林斯高阶〔scatter〕To separate and go in different directions; disperse.散开:使朝不同方向分开;驱散美国传统〔seed〕Meteorology To sprinkle (a cloud) with particles, as of silver iodide, in order to disperse it or produce rain.【气象学】 人工降雨:用颗粒如碘化银晶体撒在云里,从而驱散云或人工降雨美国传统〔separate〕To part company; disperse.分离;分散美国传统〔set〕Tear-gas bombs were set off to disperse the crowds.施放了催泪弹以驱散群众。英汉大词典〔sneak〕After their sneak attack on the capital's main airport was repelled, the insurgents dispersed.偷袭首都主要机场遭击退后, 叛乱者作鸟兽散。外研社新世纪〔soliton〕A pulselike wave that can exist in nonlinear systems, does not obey the superposition principle, and does not disperse.孤波,光孤子:可以存在非线性系统中,不遵循重迭原理而且不分散的类似于脉冲的波美国传统〔spatially〕These jobs are more spatially dispersed throughout the country.这些工作在全国范围内分布得更为分散。外研社新世纪〔spray〕To disperse (a liquid) in a mass or jet of droplets.喷:以大片小液滴分洒液体美国传统〔spray〕Water or other liquid moving in a mass of dispersed droplets, as from a wave.浪花,水花:以大片分散的小水滴运动的水或其他液体,如从浪头中美国传统〔spread〕To become distributed or widely dispersed.散布或广泛散播美国传统〔strew〕To be or become dispersed over (a surface).被洒于(表面)美国传统〔tear gas〕Police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.警察动用了催泪瓦斯来驱散示威人群。外研社新世纪〔tear gas〕Police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators.警察动用催泪瓦斯驱散示威人群。柯林斯高阶〔use〕Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds.警察用了催泪瓦斯驱散人群。牛津高阶〔vagility〕The capacity or tendency of an organism or a species to move about or disperse in a given environment.漫游:某机体或种群在特定环境里游移或传播的能力或倾向美国传统〔water cannon〕A truck-mounted apparatus that fires water at high pressure, used especially to disperse crowds or control rioters.水炮,高压喷水装置:装在卡车上的高压喷水装置,尤指作驱散人群或控制骚乱用美国传统〔zoochore〕A plant dispersed by animals.动物媒介植物:由动物传播的植物美国传统After school the children dispersed to their homes. 放学后孩子们各自回家去。译典通Grid computing allows widely dispersed organizations to share applications, data and resources.网格计算使广泛分散的组织共享应用程序、数据和资源。牛津商务Security guards dispersed the crowd that had gathered around the building.安全警卫驱散了聚在大楼四周的人群。剑桥国际Such high levels of smog would not normally be expected in a coastal city, where sea breezes should help to disperse it.海岸城市一般不会出现如此高的烟雾浓度,因为海风能够驱散烟雾。剑桥国际The crowd sang hymns, cheered the speakers, and then dispersed peaceably.人群唱起了颂歌,欢呼着演讲者,而后安静地散开。剑桥国际The crowds were dispersed by policemen on horseback. 人群被骑著马的警察所驱散。译典通The friends were widely dispersed when they left university, but they still meet occasionally.朋友们离开大学后奔向四面八方,但还是不时碰碰面。剑桥国际The large number of demonstrators precluded the option of using force to disperse the rally.示威的人太多,排除了用武力驱散人群的可能性。剑桥国际The lips of the wise disperse knowledge. 智者之口传播知识。译典通The police dispersed the crowd. 警察驱散了人群。译典通The protesters stood firm (=refused to move) as the riot police tried to disperse them with rubber bullets and water cannons.防暴警察试图用橡皮子弹和消防水龙头驱散示威者,但他们坚守阵地,一动不动。剑桥国际When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.下雨了,人群开始散开。剑桥国际




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