

单词 critical mass
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔critical mass〕By now the demands for reform had reached critical mass.现在要求改革的呼声已经达到临界水平, 改革势在必行。外研社新世纪〔critical mass〕How can we get a critical mass of people involved to keep the club running? 我们怎样才能找来足以让这家具乐部继续经营下去的人数呢?朗文当代〔critical mass〕Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有这样才能凑足参与人数。柯林斯高阶〔critical mass〕Only in this way can the critical mass of participation be reached.只有通过这种方式才能满足最低参赛人数要求。外研社新世纪〔mass〕The product has to be good enough to achieve a critical mass of customers. () 产品必须足够好才能吸引到足够数量的顾客。牛津搭配The company has reached a critical mass and is now assured of survival.公司已取得足够资产,确保了平稳生存。剑桥国际The company has reached a critical mass and must now avoid further growth.公司已有足够的发展,现在必须避免进一步扩展。剑桥国际They lack critical mass in their core markets.他们在核心市场未能实现持续赢利。牛津商务We need five or six stores to achieve critical mass.我们需要五六家店才能达到实现持续赢利的关键量。牛津商务




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