

单词 a few
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CUT〕a salad consisting of a few bits of shredded lettuce 用少量碎生菜叶做的沙拉朗文写作活用〔EMPTY〕an empty canvas with a few red blobs in the centre 一张空白的油画布,中间有几滴红色的颜料朗文写作活用〔Z〕get [catch] a few Zs 稍睡一下文馨英汉〔acolyte〕a popular professor dining with a few of her acolytes 与几名仰慕者一起用餐的一位很受欢迎的教授韦氏高阶〔a〕only a few of the voters; a bit more rest; a little excited.只有少许投票者;稍微多休息会儿;有些激动美国传统〔bite〕fished all day without a bite; an ad that got a few bites but no final sales.一整天没半条鱼上钩;这则广告吸引了一些人上钩,但最后还是没有卖出东西美国传统〔calf〕a time to kill the fatted calf, crack open a few bottles, have a dance, and get sloshed设宴欢庆、开几瓶酒、尽情跳舞然后一醉方休的时光外研社新世纪〔carpenter〕a storefront with a few hastily carpentered shelves一处有几个仓促拼装的木质货架的店面外研社新世纪〔centimetre〕a tiny fossil plant, only a few centimetres high.一株很小的化石植物,只有几厘米高柯林斯高阶〔change〕make a few changes in the wording 文字上作少许更动英汉大词典〔collapse〕following the oil price collapse of a few years ago伴随着几年前的油价大跌外研社新世纪〔compress〕to compress ideas into a few words.把意见用几句话简述出来。牛津同义词〔concentration〕the concentration of power in the hands of a few 权力集中在一小部分人手里的现象朗文当代〔contract〕trying to compress my thoughts into a few words. Toconstrict is to make smaller or narrower, usually by binding or compression: 尽量把我的想法压缩成几句话。 Consitrict 指通常通过捆绑或压紧而变得更小或更窄: 美国传统〔detruncate〕to detruncate his essay a few lines他的论文应删掉几行21世纪英汉〔dwindle to〕to dwindle to a few hundred dollars减少到几百美元21世纪英汉〔early〕arrived at the meeting a few minutes early.提早几分钟到达会场美国传统〔extemporaneous〕make a few extemporaneous remarks 当场即席讲几句英汉大词典〔extend for〕to extend one's visit for a few days longer把访问时间延长几天21世纪英汉〔few〕a little tea-party I'm giving for a few of the teachers.我为几个老师举行的小型茶会柯林斯高阶〔few〕bowled a few strings.玩了几场保龄球美国传统〔find〕find a few coins in the street 在街上捡到几个硬币英汉大词典〔grunt〕go from grunt to executive status in a few years 从普通工作人员在区区几年之中升到经理位置英汉大词典〔hasten〕hasten to add a few words 忙不迭加上几句英汉大词典〔modernization〕make a few temporary modernizations to the place 临时在那地方装了一些现代化设备英汉大词典〔ornament〕a shelf containing a few photographs and ornaments摆放着一些照片和装饰品的搁板外研社新世纪〔outbuilding〕a farmhouse with a few outbuildings 带几间外屋的农舍朗文当代〔period〕a period of a few months.几个月时间柯林斯高阶〔plain〕tell sth. in a few plain words 简明地讲述某事英汉大词典〔pop〕popped a few beers after work.工作结束后喝了几瓶啤酒美国传统〔prickle〕an erect stem covered at the base with a few prickles.根部有几根刺的笔直的茎柯林斯高阶〔pull〕pull a few thousand quid 偷窃几千英镑英汉大词典〔rattle〕a machine capable of rattling off thousands of calculations in a few minutes.能在几分钟之内做成数千次计算的机器 英汉大词典〔reconstruct〕reconstruct a mammoth from a few bones 用几块骨头按原样修复出一头猛犸英汉大词典〔retort〕say a few words in quick retort 立即反驳几句 英汉大词典〔scungy〕a scungy kid busking for a few bob for a packet of fags为了挣只够买一包烟的区区几先令而在街头卖艺的可怜小孩外研社新世纪〔sketch〕sketch in a few trees 画进几棵树英汉大词典〔step〕do a few dance steps to the music 跟着音乐跳几步舞英汉大词典〔step〕take a few steps toward the window 向窗口走几步英汉大词典〔stick in〕a Russian politician who stuck in a few random words of English说话偶尔掺杂几个英文单词的俄罗斯政客外研社新世纪〔straw〕if a few of your guests have drawn the short straw and agreed to drive others home after your summer barbecue如果你的一些客人不幸被抓了壮丁, 同意在夏日烧烤野餐结束后开车把其他人送回家外研社新世纪〔string〕to string together a few sentences使句子连贯、顺理成章21世纪英汉〔takeout〕fish-and-chip shops with a takeout counter and a few tables 设一外卖柜台和几张餐桌的炸鱼加炸土豆小吃店英汉大词典〔throw〕shoddy houses that were thrown up in a few months.在短短几个月内建起的劣质房屋美国传统〔tight〕have tight going for a few days 有几天日子非常不好过英汉大词典〔tight〕tight after drinking a few beers.喝了几杯啤酒就醉醺醺的了。牛津同义词〔whisk〕brush away the dust with a few whisks 轻轻地几下掸去灰尘英汉大词典〔wispy〕have a few wispy memories of one's childhood 依稀记得几桩童年的往事英汉大词典〔word〕say a few words (尤指即席)讲几句话英汉大词典an exchange of data that takes a few nanoseconds 仅需几毫微秒时间进行数据交换牛津商务




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