

单词 a flight of stairs
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REACH〕The bathroom is situated at the top of a flight of stairs, making it inaccessible to the disabled. 浴室设在一段楼梯的顶层,这使残疾人士难以到达。朗文写作活用〔flight〕He fell down a flight of stairs.他从楼梯跌下了一层台阶。韦氏高阶〔flight〕She walked up a flight of stairs.她走上一段楼梯。文馨英汉〔flight〕The villa is fronted by a flight of stairs.别墅的正面是一段楼梯。牛津搭配〔flight〕We walked in silence up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.我们默默地走上一段楼梯,穿过一个长长的走廊。柯林斯高阶〔landing〕An intermediate platform on a flight of stairs.楼梯的过渡平台美国传统〔rise〕The height of a flight of stairs or of a single riser.级高:一段楼梯或一单块楼梯竖板的高度美国传统〔stair〕We walked up a flight of stairs.我们上了一段楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔unwieldy〕A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs.钢琴是个很难搬下楼梯的物件。剑桥高阶〔winded〕Mark is so unfit - he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs.马克的身体太差了——他只爬了一段楼梯就喘不上来气。剑桥高阶A piano is a very unwieldy item to get down a flight of stairs.钢琴是一件很难弄下楼梯的东西。剑桥国际Simon is so unfit--he gets winded just from walking up a flight of stairs.西蒙的健康状况不佳----他只爬了一段楼梯就喘不过气来。剑桥国际




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