

单词 非在
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PLACE〕He'll work as a freelance consultant, unless he finds a better job elsewhere. 除非在其他地方找到更好的工作,否则他就做一个自由职业顾问。朗文写作活用〔belt〕He has put on so much weight recently that he has to loosen his belt two holes.近来他发胖了,非在腰带上放出两个间隔不可。英汉大词典〔dominion〕South Africa was created as a dominion of Great Britain in 1910.南非在1910年成为英国的自治领。外研社新世纪〔false-memory syndrome〕The belief that one remembers events, especially traumatic events, that have not actually occurred. Not in scientific use.错误记忆并发症:认为一个人可能会记得从来不曾实际发生过的事件,尤其是指具伤害性的事件,此名词并非在科学上使用美国传统〔foreign-born〕Foreign by birth; not native to the country in which one resides.出生在国外的:外国生的;非在居住国出生的美国传统〔game〕It was not that they made game of him, but they could not understand how a man could be so ignorant.问题并非在于他们嘲笑了他, 而是他们无法理解一个人怎会如此无知。外研社新世纪〔hold〕The same argument does not hold good in every case.同样的论点并非在所有的情况下都适用。牛津高阶〔hold〕Unless there has been a last-minute hold, the spacecraft should now be on its way.除非在发射前的最后一分钟暂停,不然航天器现在应该在飞行中了。英汉大词典〔independent living〕A living arrangement that maximizes independence and self-determination, especially of disabled persons living in a community instead of in a medical facility.残障者独立生活:将独立性及自主性极致发挥的生活安排,尤其是指无行为能力者生活在一般的地区而非在医疗机构中美国传统〔local〕The writer's fame is local rather than national.这位作家仅在地方而非在全国知名。英汉大词典〔miffy〕Botany Difficult to raise except under perfect conditions. Used of certain plants.【植物学】 难种植的:除非在完善的条件之下否则很难种植的。用于某些植物美国传统〔mime〕Richey's not miming, he's playing very quiet guitar.里奇并非在摆样子,只是他的吉他弹得声音很小罢了。柯林斯高阶〔muddle〕Some people just muddle along, waiting for their big break.有的人无非在混日子,坐等鸿运高照。英汉大词典〔not for one minute〕I'm not suggesting for one minute that she meant to cause any trouble.我绝非在暗示她是有意找麻烦。剑桥高阶〔not〕He didn't always win the arguments, but he often was right.他并非在争辩中总是能赢,但他经常是对的。柯林斯高阶〔optimum〕They are not functioning at their optimum.他们并非在最有效地工作。英汉大词典〔preach〕They preach the gospel that inequality is neither right nor inevitable.他们宣传说,不平等既不正确也非在所难免。麦克米伦高阶〔prima facie case〕A case in which the evidence presented is sufficient for a judgment to be made unless the evidence is contested.初步证据确实的案件:所提供的证据足够作出判决的案件,除非在证据被反驳的情况下此结论是成立的美国传统〔push〕This film is unlikely to attract large audiences unless it gets/it is given a big push in the media.除非在媒体中大作宣传,否则这部电影不大可能吸引大批观众。剑桥高阶〔sleep〕To sleep at one's own home, not at one's place of employment.在某人自己的家里睡觉而非在受雇的地方美国传统〔snack〕Most office staff prefer a snack lunch to a sit-down meal.大部分办公室职员都喜欢快餐午饭而非在餐厅正式用餐。牛津搭配〔soft-soap〕The government is not soft-soaping the voters here.政府并非在此讨好选民。外研社新世纪〔soft-soap〕The government is not soft-soaping the voters here.政府并非在讨好这里的选民。柯林斯高阶〔theatrically〕There was no theatricality in her long silence.她沉默了很长时间,这并非在做戏。柯林斯高阶〔universally〕Nor is acid rain always, and universally, a bad thing.酸雨也并非在任何情况下都是坏事。柯林斯高阶〔whether〕We are not investigating the question of whether he is trustworthy.我们并非在调查他是否值得信任的问题。英汉大词典He never drinks except on special occasions. 除非在特别场合,他从不喝酒。译典通Pasta is not very fattening unless it is smothered in a creamy sauce.吃意大利面条并不容易发胖,除非在面上浇满了奶油沙司。剑桥国际This country faces a future of indebtedness unless there is substantial investment in manufacturing industry.除非在制造业上有大量的投资,否则这个国家面临着负债的前景。剑桥国际Unless a song gets lots of airplay, it won't sell in the shops.一支歌除非在电台经常播放,否则在商店里不会畅销。剑桥国际




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