

单词 财力
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔KNOW/NOT KNOW〕The people in the know are saying that the team doesn't have enough money to keep Wojek for another season. 知情者说该队没有足够的财力可让沃耶克再为其效力一个赛季。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Many libraries have found that their financial resources are stretched to the limit. 许多图书馆都发现自己的财力极度短绌。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕She was required to pay a $500 fee, which appeared to be within her means. 要求她付500美元费用,这似乎在她的财力所及的范围内。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The government must make more human and financial resources available for AIDS research. 政府必须在艾滋病研究方面投入更多的人力和财力。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕With limited resources, the club cannot continue to function without donations from members. 由于财力有限,这家俱乐部如果没有会员的捐助就无法继续办下去了。朗文写作活用〔amount〕The school has any amount of resources and equipment.这所学校财力雄厚,设备齐全。朗文当代〔attest〕Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.豪华的家具陈设说明了主人的财力。朗文当代〔big business〕The party receives most of its financial support from big business.这个政党主要从大财团那里获取财力支持。剑桥高阶〔bleed〕The ten-year war has bled the country dry.十年战争耗尽了该国的财力。朗文当代〔burn〕To exhaust oneself or one's resources by leading a hectic or extravagant life.耗费精力:通过令人兴奋的或奢侈的生活来耗尽某人的精力或财力美国传统〔constraint〕Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints.他们决定放弃这次出游是因为财力有限。柯林斯高阶〔constraint〕Their decision to abandon the trip was made because of financial constraints.他们决定放弃这次旅行是因为财力有限。外研社新世纪〔cramp〕The new regulations may cramp the company's financial growth.新制度可能会阻碍公司财力的增长。韦氏高阶〔devote〕Considerable resources have been devoted to proving him a liar.为了证明他是个骗子已投入了相当多的人力和财力。柯林斯高阶〔drained〕The state's finances have been drained by war.国家财力已经被战争消耗殆尽。柯林斯高阶〔drain〕That country is draining its precious resources into the military.那个国家正把宝贵的财力物力消耗到军事上。英汉大词典〔drain〕The country was drained of its manpower and wealth by war.战争耗尽了这个国家的人力和财力。21世纪英汉〔equipment〕The equipment of the task force was costly and time-consuming.装备那支特遣部队花了很多财力和时间。英汉大词典〔firepower〕There is no shortage of financial firepower to fund atomic research.原子能研究不愁没有财力资助。朗文当代〔gigolo〕A man who has a continuing sexual relationship with and receives financial support from a woman.靠女人赡养的男人,吃软饭的男人,小白脸:与一妇女有持续的性关系并从她那儿得到财力支持的男人美国传统〔grow〕Japan's department stores grew rich by selling high-priced luxury brands.日本的百货商店销售价格不菲的奢侈品牌商品, 财力雄厚。外研社新世纪〔irresponsible〕Law Not mentally or financially fit to assume responsibility.【法律】 无责任能力的:智力或财力上不适于承担责任的美国传统〔irresponsible〕Law One who is mentally or financially unfit to assume responsibility for one's actions.【法律】 无责任能力的人:智力上或财力上不适于对自己的行为负责的人美国传统〔limited〕The organization has very limited resources .这家机构财力非常有限。朗文当代〔limit〕Our finances are already stretched to the limit (=we do not have any extra money) .我们的财力已经用到了极限。朗文当代〔manage〕She was finding it difficult to manage financially.她发现财力上难以为继。牛津搭配〔may〕There is a need for more resources so that all children may have a decent education.需要更多的财力支持,让所有的孩子都受到良好的教育。牛津高阶〔means〕He has the means to give you everything you want.他拥有能满足你的一切需求的财力。韦氏高阶〔means〕His means are enough to pay for college.他的财力足够支付大学费用。韦氏高阶〔means〕Many medical charges are beyond the means of poorer families.超过你的财力/在你的财力之内麦克米伦高阶〔means〕Small businesses don't have the means to develop a sophisticated Internet presence.小企业通常没有财力投资建设复杂的因特网平台。麦克米伦高阶〔means〕This foreign firm has little (或not much) means.这家外国公司没有多大财力。英汉大词典〔means〕You are invited to contribute according to your means.请根据您的财力捐款。麦克米伦高阶〔modernize〕Unfortunately we lack the resources to modernize.遗憾的是我们缺乏现代化所需的财力。牛津高阶〔muscle〕This magazine has considerable financial muscle and can afford to pay top journalists.这家杂志财力雄厚,能雇得起顶尖的记者。剑桥高阶〔obligation〕Greater resources are needed to meet these obligations .完成这些义务需要更多的财力。朗文当代〔overbuy〕To buy goods beyond one's means or needs.过多地买:买的货物超过某人的财力或需要美国传统〔overreach〕He has overreached himself financially.他已超出了自己的财力范围。麦克米伦高阶〔perennial〕Lack of resources has been a perennial problem since the beginning.财力不足从一开始就是一个持续的问题。朗文当代〔pocketbook〕Many foreign goods are too expensive for American pocketbooks.许多外国货都太贵,与一般美国人的财力不符。牛津高阶〔pocket〕When choosing a dining table, it really is worth digging deep into your pocket for the best you can afford.选购餐桌时, 倾尽财力买最好的是很值得的。外研社新世纪〔pool〕The returnees were now pooling their labour and resources to reclaim their fields.返回家园的人们正把劳力和财力集中起来开垦土地。英汉大词典〔pool〕We can do more when we pool our ideas and resources.我们集思广益、集中财力物力,就能做更多的事。韦氏高阶〔purse〕Available wealth or resources; money.财力,财源:能得到的财产或财源;金钱美国传统〔purse〕Having a lot of people out of work places a large drain on the public purse.大量人口失业使政府的财力消耗很大。剑桥高阶〔recuperate〕He tried to recuperate his finances.他试图挽回自己原有的财力。英汉大词典〔reprievable〕Our school has been reprieved from insufficient financial resources.我们学校财力不足的困境现已暂时得到缓解。21世纪英汉〔resource〕He spent all his resources on educating his children.他把全部财力都花在子女的教育上了。英汉大词典〔resource〕We are increasing resources for the health service.我们在增加医疗卫生服务方面的财力投入。麦克米伦高阶〔resource〕We must make the most efficient use of the available financial resources.我们必须最有效地利用现有财力。牛津高阶〔retooling〕Retooling, or recasting new toy moulds, is a slow and expensive process.更换机器或者重新铸造新的玩具模具都是一个耗费时间和财力的过程。柯林斯高阶〔soak up〕External broadcasting soaks up more resources in Britain than elsewhere.英国花费在对外广播上的财力高于其他国家。柯林斯高阶〔spectacular〕Their disparities in resources become more and more spectacular.他们在财力上的悬殊已越来越突出了。英汉大词典〔stock〕We should take stock of our finances.我们应该权衡一下我们的财力。韦氏高阶〔stranglehold〕The state has a stranglehold on the city's finances.州政府扼制了市政府的财力。韦氏高阶〔strengthen〕The bank loan has greatly strengthened our financial position.银行的贷款极大地加强了我们的财力。剑桥高阶〔stretching〕The drought there is stretching American resources.那里的旱灾正在耗尽美国的财力物力。柯林斯高阶〔suck〕This gigantic military effort was sucking all the strength out of the economy.这个庞大的军事行动正在耗尽财力。麦克米伦高阶〔target〕Their best players are now targets for richer teams.他们的最佳球员现在成了财力更加雄厚的球队的转会对象。麦克米伦高阶〔tether〕We should tether our plan to our resources.我们应把我们的计划限定在自己财力所允许的范围内。21世纪英汉〔various〕They are seeking financial support from various sources.他们正通过各种途径来寻求财力支持。麦克米伦高阶〔waste〕His resources were rapidly wasting.他的财力正在很快消耗。 英汉大词典〔waste〕His resources were wasted.他的财力被消耗了。英汉大词典〔world〕In a perfect world, there would be the facilities and money to treat every sick person.理想的状况是有足够的设备和财力治疗每一位病人。柯林斯高阶〔worry〕The bank's financial weakness became a source of worry.银行的财力不足引起了忧虑。麦克米伦高阶Having a lot of people out of work places a large drain on the public purse.许多人失业使政府的财力减少了许多。剑桥国际He cleaned up the group by getting rid of loss-making activities.他通过摈弃亏损业务使集团的财力更雄厚。牛津商务He has the means to be able to buy half the houses in the street if he wanted to.只要他愿意,他有足够的财力买下这条街上的半数房产。剑桥国际More training and resources are required to meet the special needs of dying patients.需要有更多的人力和财力来满足临终病人的特别需要。剑桥国际She's putting herself through college.她靠自己的财力上大学。剑桥国际The bank loan has greatly strengthened our financial position.银行的贷款大大地巩固了我们的财力。剑桥国际The company has enormous financial firepower.这家公司财力雄厚。牛津商务The company is marshalling its forces/resources for a long court case.公司正集中力量/人力财力物力,应付一场旷日持久的法院诉讼案。剑桥国际The report recommends that more resources be devoted to (= used for) teaching.该报道建议把更多的财力投入教学。剑桥国际Three schools in Putney have pooled their resources/money in order to buy an area of waste ground and turn it into a sports field.帕特尼的3 所学校集中使用它们资源/财力以购买一片废地,把它改建成运动场。剑桥国际We do not have sufficient resources to sustain our campaign for long.我们没有足够的财力可把运动长期维持下去。剑桥国际




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