

单词 ad hoc
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ad hoc〕a committee formed ad hoc to address the issue of salaries.委员会特别形成用以提交有关工资问题的提案美国传统〔ad hoc〕an ad hoc committee/meeting 特别委员会/会议剑桥高阶〔ad hoc〕an ad hoc compensation committee.专门的赔偿委员会美国传统〔ad hoc〕an ad hoc meeting to deal with the problem 处理此问题的特别会议牛津高阶〔ad hoc〕decisions made on an ad hoc basis 临时作出的决定朗文当代〔legitimize〕legitimize the authority of ad hoc committees 授予各特别委员会以合法权力英汉大词典




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