

单词 许可证
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstractly〕a licence to abstract water from the River Axe. 从阿克斯河中抽水的许可证柯林斯高阶〔abstract〕a licence to abstract water from the river从河中汲水的许可证外研社新世纪〔application〕an application for a new permit 新许可证的申请牛津搭配〔bar〕the island's only licensed bar(= one that is allowed to sell alcoholic drinks) 岛上唯一有酒类销售许可证的酒吧牛津高阶〔bidder〕bidders for two licences to develop cellular telephone systems in Greece. 努力争取得到两张在希腊开发移动电话系统许可证的运营商柯林斯高阶〔effect〕the ban on new logging permits which will take effect from July. 将于7月生效的禁止颁发新伐木许可证的禁令柯林斯高阶〔export〕an export licence 出口许可证牛津高阶〔import〕an import licence 进口许可证牛津高阶〔import〕import duties/tariffs/controls/licenses 进口税/关税/控制/许可证麦克米伦高阶〔licence〕a TV licence 电视(收看)许可证剑桥高阶〔licence〕a licence for software manufacture 软件生产许可证牛津搭配〔licence〕a licence for the software 软件许可证牛津高阶〔licence〕a licence from the Performing Rights Society 表演权协会授予的许可证牛津搭配〔licensed〕a licensed hotel 有酒类经营许可证的旅馆韦氏高阶〔license〕a license for the software 软件许可证牛津高阶〔license〕a license holder(= a person who has been given a license) 许可证持有人牛津高阶〔license〕a new drug licensed by the government 有政府许可证的新药韦氏高阶〔operate〕a licence to operate a passenger transport network 开办客运网的许可证麦克米伦高阶〔order〕an order to view (购房前的)看房许可证英汉大词典〔patent〕the licensing of patent rights 颁发专利权许可证韦氏高阶〔permission〕oil exploration permissions. 石油勘探许可证柯林斯高阶〔permit〕a fishing/residence/parking, etc. permit 钓鱼、居住、停车等许可证牛津高阶〔permit〕a permit to fish in the lake.在湖里钓鱼的许可证。牛津同义词〔permit〕a work permit 打工许可证英汉大词典〔permit〕a work/travel/parking permit 工作/旅行/停车许可证剑桥高阶〔permit〕to apply for a permit 申请许可证牛津高阶〔permit〕to issue a permit 签发许可证牛津高阶〔preclear〕preclear all types of medical devices 给各种医疗器材预先核发许可证英汉大词典〔profession〕the licensing laws that regulate the profession 规范行业行为的许可证经营法牛津搭配〔residence〕a residence permit 居住许可证英汉大词典〔residence〕a residence permit 居留许可证朗文当代〔residence〕a residence permit 居留许可证牛津高阶〔resident〕renew a resident permit to stay in that country 将在该国的居住许可证展期 英汉大词典〔safe conduct〕a guarantee of safe conduct signed personally by General Williams. 由威廉斯将军亲笔签署的安全通行许可证柯林斯高阶〔stamp〕a TV licence stamp 电视收视许可证印花牛津高阶〔stamp〕television licence stamps 电视许可证印花朗文当代〔valid〕a valid contract/license/deed/title 有效的合同/许可证/契约/头衔韦氏高阶a licence for the software 软件许可证牛津商务a licence holder (= a person who has been given a licence) 许可证持有人牛津商务software license renewals 软件许可证更新牛津商务




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