

单词 盘状物
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Secchi disk〕A disk, divided into black and white quarters, used to gauge water clarity by measuring the depth at which it is no longer visible from the surface.透明度盘:分为黑白两色四等份的圆盘状物,借着测量从水表不可见的深度来测定水的清澈度美国传统〔disk〕A thin, flat, circular object or plate.圆盘,圆板,盘状物:一种薄而扁平的圆形物或盘子美国传统〔gong〕A rimmed metal disk that produces a loud, sonorous tone when struck with a padded mallet.锣:带边的金属盘状物,当用裹着布的木槌敲击时能发生洪亮的声音美国传统〔puck〕A hard rubber disk used in ice hockey as the playing and scoring medium.冰球:冰球比赛中用于击打和得分的硬橡皮盘状物美国传统〔squama〕A thin platelike mass, as of bone.鳞部:一种薄的盘状物体,如骨头的美国传统〔squamosal〕Of or relating to the thin, platelike part of the human temporal bone or to a corresponding part in other vertebrates.鳞状骨的:人体内暂时性骨头上薄薄的盘状物或与之有关的,或者其他脊椎动物相应的类似特征的美国传统




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