

单词 爱情的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔LOVE〕a romantic comedy in which Meg Ryan plays a single mother looking for love 由梅格·瑞恩扮演一名追求爱情的单身母亲的一部爱情喜剧朗文写作活用〔LOVE〕stories, films etc about love 有关爱情的故事、电影等朗文写作活用〔acute〕her acute observations on life and love 她对生活和爱情的敏锐观察麦克米伦高阶〔alternation〕an alternation from tedious reality to liberating romance单调乏味的现实和自由浪漫的爱情的交替外研社新世纪〔audacious〕an audacious comedy about love 一出写爱情的大胆创新的喜剧英汉大词典〔bid〕a desperate bid to free herself from a loveless marriage 为摆脱她那段没有爱情的婚姻而作出的不顾一切的努力朗文当代〔borderline〕the borderline between friendship and love友谊和爱情的边缘外研社新世纪〔border〕on the brink of falling in love). 处于坠入爱情的边缘)。 美国传统〔celebrate〕a sonnet that celebrates love. 歌颂爱情的十四行诗美国传统〔confusion〕the confusion of physical desire with love 肉欲与爱情的混淆文馨英汉〔cord〕cords of love 爱情的纽带英汉大词典〔doleful〕a doleful song about lost love 一首关于逝去的爱情的哀歌朗文当代〔drip with〕a story dripping with love一篇充满爱情的故事21世纪英汉〔ideal〕an ideal of romantic love 浪漫爱情的理想韦氏高阶〔imagery〕the imagery of love 爱情的比喻朗文当代〔intrigue〕a novel of intrigue and romance 一部关于阴谋与爱情的小说韦氏高阶〔longing〕romantic longings 对爱情的渴望牛津高阶〔loveless〕a loveless marriage 无爱情的婚姻英汉大词典〔loveless〕a loveless marriage 没有爱情的婚姻牛津高阶〔loveless〕a loveless marriage. 一场没有爱情的婚姻美国传统〔loveless〕a loveless relationship.没有爱情的关系。牛津同义词〔love〕the cult of courtly love in the 12th century 12 世纪对典雅爱情的崇尚牛津搭配〔malady〕the maladies of love. 爱情的弊端柯林斯高阶〔malady〕the maladies of love爱情的病态外研社新世纪〔match〕a love match.有爱情的婚姻。牛津同义词〔mutable〕the mutable nature of love 爱情的多变本质剑桥高阶〔nonsense〕all that poetic nonsense about love. 所有那些关于爱情的充满诗情画意的假话柯林斯高阶〔nonsense〕all that poetic nonsense about love所有那些关于爱情的充满诗意的傻话外研社新世纪〔profane〕songs of sacred and profane love 歌唱圣洁与世俗爱情的歌曲牛津高阶〔recognizance〕the recognizance and pledge of love 爱情的信物与保证英汉大词典〔redemptive〕the redemptive power of love 爱情的救赎力量牛津高阶〔riff〕a comedian's riff on modern love 喜剧演员对现代爱情的简短评说韦氏高阶〔romantic〕a romantic setting for a love affair.爱情的浪漫背景。牛津同义词〔springtime〕the springtime of love 爱情的初期文馨英汉〔subplot〕the novel's romantic subplot 该小说关于爱情的次要情节朗文当代〔superposable〕to superpose love upon an old story给古老的故事添加上爱情的情节21世纪英汉〔woeful〕woeful tales of broken romances 破裂爱情的悲惨故事牛津高阶〔worm〕the worm in the bud of love 破坏爱情的东西英汉大词典




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