

单词 梗概
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abstract〕abstract a story for a book review 为一篇书评撰写故事梗概英汉大词典〔abstract〕abstract an essay写一篇文章的梗概21世纪英汉〔bare〕the bare bones of the story 故事梗概牛津高阶〔outline〕a plot outline 情节梗概韦氏高阶〔outline〕a research proposal outline 研究计划梗概朗文当代〔plan〕the plan of a story 故事的梗概英汉大词典〔plan〕the plan of a story. 故事梗概美国传统〔précis〕a précis of the book's plot 本书的情节梗概韦氏高阶〔résumé〕write a résumé without explaining in detail 写一份不作详尽阐释的梗概英汉大词典〔shape〕the general shape of a story 故事的梗概英汉大词典〔skeletonize〕skeletonize the plot of a novel in one paragraph 用一段文字写出小说情节的梗概英汉大词典〔skeleton〕the skeleton of a novel 小说的梗概英汉大词典〔synopsis〕a plot synopsis 情节梗概韦氏高阶〔synopsis〕a synopsis of the play 这出戏剧的梗概朗文当代〔the bare bones〕the bare bones of the story 故事梗概剑桥高阶




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