

单词 散漫
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔antithesis〕If she is a lazy, laid-back ne'er-do-well, her sister is her antithesis.如果她是一个懒惰、散漫、一事无成的人, 那她的妹妹与她正好相反。外研社新世纪〔discursive〕They complained that my writing was becoming too discursive.他们抱怨我的文章变得太散漫。文馨英汉〔indolence〕Habitual laziness; sloth.懒散:习惯性的懒惰;散漫美国传统〔inertia〕The cheering crowd roused us from our inertia.欢呼的群众使我们从散漫的状态中重新振奋起来。牛津同义词〔laid-back〕Everyone here has a really laid-back attitude.这里每个人态度都很散漫。外研社新世纪〔loose〕In a loose manner.散漫地美国传统〔precision〕His rambling writing style just lacks precision.他散漫的写作风格恰恰缺乏精确。牛津搭配〔ramble〕To walk about casually or for pleasure.漫步:散漫地或出于散心到处走美国传统〔straddle〕To spread out in a disorderly way; sprawl.懒散:散漫地伸展;无计划地延伸美国传统〔stripe〕He'd lost his stripes for slovenliness and cheek.他因散漫、无礼而丢了军职。柯林斯高阶〔thrum〕Music To strum idly on a stringed instrument.【音乐】 轻松随便地弹:散漫地漫弹一种拨弹发器美国传统〔tut-tut〕They spent the whole evening tut-tutting about the lack of discipline in young people.他们整个晚上啧啧不已,叹息青年人的自由散漫。英汉大词典〔undisciplined〕He has been very undisciplined about studying.他对待学习一直很散漫。韦氏高阶〔unplanned〕Having no particular purpose, organization, or structure; random.散漫的:没有一个特定的目的,组织或结构的;散漫的美国传统〔vagrancy〕A wandering in mind or thought.游移不定:思想散漫,神思恍惚美国传统With nothing to do all day except amuse themselves, the aristocracy had grown effete and lazy.贵族们整天除享乐外无所事事,因而变得懒惰散漫,毫无生气。剑桥国际




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