

单词 日出
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕The latest sunrise of the winter is Friday; from then on, the dark winter mornings get brighter earlier . 今冬最晚的日出在周五,此后漆黑的冬日早晨会早点亮起来。朗文写作活用〔Armageddon〕Bible The scene of a final battle between the forces of good and evil, prophesied to occur at the end of the world.【圣经】 世界末日的战争:预言将在世界末日出现的善恶力量最后决战的情景美国传统〔BURN〕Firefighters are hoping the blaze will burn itself out before dawn. 消防员希望日出前这场大火会燃尽。朗文写作活用〔COURT/TRIAL〕Benton appeared in court yesterday on three charges of assault. 本顿面临三项袭击指控,昨日出庭受审。朗文写作活用〔FAIRLY/QUITE〕The attendance figures for this year's festival were rather disappointing. 今年节日出席的人数让人相当失望。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕During the month of Ramadan, Muslims go without food and drink between the hours of sunrise and sunset. 斋月里,穆斯林从日出到日落的时间里不吃也不喝。朗文写作活用〔March〕She was born in Austria on March 6, 1920.她于1920年3月6日出生在奥地利。柯林斯高阶〔ON TIME〕The baby arrived on the 16th -- bang on time! 婴儿在16日出生—非常准时!朗文写作活用〔Pisces〕He was born on March first, so he's a Pisces.他是三月一日出生的,所以是双鱼座。韦氏高阶〔RELIGION〕Hakeem is currently observing the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, and fasts between sunrise and sunset. 哈基姆现在正遵守穆斯林的神圣斋月,日出和日落之间要禁食。朗文写作活用〔Ramadan〕A fast, held from sunrise to sunset, that is carried out during this period.斋月禁令:在这段时期进行的从日出到日落的禁食美国传统〔SEE〕At sunrise, they surveyed the vast panorama of snow-covered hills and mountains. 日出的时候,他们看到了一片群山连绵、白雪皑皑的壮阔景象。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Sunrise over the Himalayas is a magnificent sight. 喜马拉雅山的日出是一个壮观的景象。朗文写作活用〔alternate〕Private cars are banned from the city on alternate days.该市私家车限隔日出行。剑桥高阶〔bail〕He was bailed to appear before local magistrates on 5 November.他获得了保释, 将于11月5日出庭面见地方法官。外研社新世纪〔barrel〕In 1989, Kuwait was exporting 1.5 million barrels of oil a day.1989年, 科威特日出口石油150万桶。外研社新世纪〔before〕He got up before the sun rose.他在日出之前起床。文馨英汉〔beheld〕We got up early to behold the sunrise.我们早起观看了日出。21世纪英汉〔block〕The new law blocks the sale of liquor on Sundays.新法律禁止在周日出售烈酒。韦氏高阶〔born〕She was born Jenny Harvey on June 11, 1946.她于1946年6月11日出生, 取名珍妮·哈维。外研社新世纪〔break〕The clouds broke and the sun came out.云开日出。牛津高阶〔call〕The birds were calling as the sun rose.日出时百鸟齐鸣。韦氏高阶〔canvass〕The goal of the canvass was to turn out voters on election day.此次拉票活动的目的是让选民在选举日出门投票。外研社新世纪〔come〕We watched the sun come up.我们观看了日出。牛津高阶〔crow〕The cock/rooster crowed as the sun began to rise.那只公鸡日出时打鸣了。韦氏高阶〔d.〕John Winston Lennon (b. 9 October 1940, Liverpool, d. 8 December 1980, New York).约翰•温斯顿•列侬(1940年10月9日出生于利物浦,1980年12月8日卒于纽约)剑桥高阶〔dawn〕To begin to become light in the morning.破晓,日出:在早晨天开始变亮美国传统〔daytime〕The time between sunrise and sunset.白天:日出和日落之间的那段时间美国传统〔day〕The period of light between dawn and nightfall; the interval from sunrise to sunset.白天,白昼:黎明和黄昏之间有光的一段时间;从日出到日落的间隔美国传统〔due〕The final results of the experiment are due on December 9.试验的最终结果预计在 12 月 9 日出来。朗文当代〔dwell on〕Her eyes dwelled on the beautiful sunrise.她的眼睛凝视着美丽的日出景象。21世纪英汉〔enraptured〕They were enraptured at the beautiful sunset.他们对著那美丽的落日出神。文馨英汉〔experiencable〕I have experienced that the sunrise can be so beautiful.我发现日出真美。21世纪英汉〔finger〕I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they turn up soon.我祈盼他们早日出现。外研社新世纪〔flee〕Mists fled before the rising sun.日出雾散。英汉大词典〔forest〕My aunt loved to walk in the forest at sunrise.我姑妈喜欢在日出时到森林里散步。麦克米伦高阶〔from sunrise to sunset〕We worked from sunrise to sunset.我们日出而作,日落而息。韦氏高阶〔handy〕Don't throw those bottles away - they'll come in handy (= be useful) for the picnic next Sunday.别把那些瓶子扔掉——下周日出去野餐会派上用场。剑桥高阶〔hitch〕They hitched up and were on their way before sunrise.他们套好车在日出前就动身了。英汉大词典〔homework〕Bargain hunters will do their homework before choosing a holiday.买便宜货的人会提前做好功课, 选择合适的节假日出手。外研社新世纪〔letting〕The town offers several holiday lettings.城里有几处假日出租房。剑桥高阶〔lifts your spirits/mood〕The beauty of the sunrise lifted her spirits. = Her spirits lifted when she saw the beauty of the sunrise.日出的美景使她精神大振。韦氏高阶〔melt〕The clouds melted away,and the sun came out.云散日出。21世纪英汉〔melt〕The sun melted the fog.日出雾散。英汉大词典〔morning star〕A planet, especially Venus, visible in the east just before or at sunrise.启明星:一个在日出之前或刚日出时可以在地球上看到的行星,尤指金星美国传统〔nightfall〕I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall.我日出时分开始工作, 直到黄昏才回来。外研社新世纪〔nighttime〕The time between sunset and sunrise.夜间:指从日落到日出的一段时间美国传统〔night〕The period between sunset and sunrise, especially the hours of darkness.夜晚:从日落到日出的一段时间,尤指不见光的时间美国传统〔nones〕The time of day appointed for this service, usually the ninth hour after sunrise.一天中用于这种仪式的时间,通常在日出后第九小时美国传统〔open〕The clouds opened.云散日出。21世纪英汉〔orient〕Archaic The place on the horizon where the sun rises; the east.【古语】 日出之处,东方:太阳从地平线升起的地方;东方美国传统〔part〕The clouds parted and the sun shone.云散日出。英汉大词典〔present〕She was ordered to present herself in court on 20 May.她被传唤于 5 月 20 日出庭。牛津高阶〔release〕He awaited an early release (of his son) from jail.他期待着(儿子)早日出狱。英汉大词典〔rise〕At 6 a.m. we watched the sun rise (= appear and move upwards in the sky).我们在早晨6点钟观看了日出。剑桥高阶〔rise〕He wanted to be over the line of the ridge before the sun had risen.他希望在日出前翻越山脊。外研社新世纪〔set〕She set out at dawn for town.她日出时出发去镇上美国传统〔should〕She realized that she should have to do most of her farm work before sunrise.她明白她得在日出前干完大部分农活。英汉大词典〔sip〕She sipped her coffee while she watched the sun rise.她一边小口喝着咖啡,一边看日出。韦氏高阶〔spectacle〕The sunrise as seen on the sea was a fine spectacle.海上看到的日出真是美妙的奇观。英汉大词典〔strike〕They were to strike camp at sunrise.他们将于日出时撤营。英汉大词典〔sun-up〕We worked from sunup to sunset.我们从日出工作到日落。柯林斯高阶〔sunglow〕A rose or yellow glow in the sky preceding sunrise or following sunset.朝霞,晚霞:日出前或日出落后天空中玫瑰色或黄色的霞光美国传统〔sunrise〕A farmer's day begins at sunrise.农夫的一天从日出开始。朗文当代〔sunrise〕Sunrise is at 5:45 tomorrow.明天的日出时刻是5:45。外研社新世纪〔sunrise〕The rain began before sunrise.日出前下起了雨。柯林斯高阶〔sunrise〕There was a glorious sunrise over the mountains.群山之上可以看到壮观的日出景色。麦克米伦高阶〔sunrise〕They went out at sunrise to go bird-watching.他们日出的时候就出去观鸟去了。剑桥高阶〔sunrise〕We got up at sunrise.我们在日出时起床。牛津高阶〔sunrise〕We have to leave before sunup tomorrow.我们明天得在日出之前离开。剑桥高阶〔sunrise〕We need to set off long before sunrise.我们需要在日出前早早出发。麦克米伦高阶〔sunrise〕We were up before/at sunrise.我们日出前/时就起床了。韦氏高阶〔sunrise〕We woke at sunrise.我们日出时醒来。外研社新世纪〔sunup〕The time of sunrise.日出:日出时分美国传统〔sunup〕We will meet at sunup.我们将在日出时见面。韦氏高阶〔sun〕I get up with the sun.我日出即起。牛津高阶〔uncanny〕The woman had the same name and was born on the same date as me. It was uncanny.那个女的跟我同名, 和我同日出生, 真不可思议。外研社新世纪〔waken〕He wakens at sunrise.他日出即醒。韦氏高阶I enjoyed the sunrise by the seaside. 我喜欢海边的日出。译典通In Chicago she'll appear on two talk shows and sign books at Doubleday as promos for her new novel.在芝加哥她将在两个谈话节目上露面,并在双日出版社为书签名,作为她新小说的广告宣传。剑桥国际On the memorial plaque these words are inscribed: ‘At the rising of the sun, until the setting of the same -- we shall remember them’.纪念匾上刻着:“从日出到日落,我们将永远记着他们。”剑桥国际The clouds parted and the sun came out.云开日出。剑桥国际The sun melted the fog. 日出雾散。译典通The tiger hunt began at sunrise. 日出时分开始捕猎老虎。译典通There was a beautiful sunrise this morning.今晨的日出很美。剑桥国际They set out at sunrise. 他们日出时出发。译典通We go on walking holidays a lot.我们经常在假日出外散步。剑桥国际We have to leave before sunrise (also esp. Am sun-up) tomorrow.明天我们得在日出前出发。剑桥国际We watched the sun rise (= move up into the sky).我们观看了日出。剑桥国际We're leaving for France on September the ninth/the ninth of September/(Am) September ninth.我们9月9日出发去法国。剑桥国际We're leaving for Italy on October the ninth/the ninth of October/ (esp. Am) October ninth.我们10月9日出发去意大利。剑桥国际




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