

单词 政党
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔affiliate〕to affiliate to (或 with) a political party参加某一政党21世纪英汉〔anchor〕a political party anchored in the working classes 扎根于工人阶级的政党英汉大词典〔chit〕earned vital chits with his party by making fundraising speeches. 因作筹集资金的演讲而获得他所在政党的高度称赞美国传统〔clamour〕competing parties clamouring for the attention of the voter相互竞争、大声疾呼争取选民关注的政党外研社新世纪〔communication〕a communication from the leader of the party 来自政党领袖的信息牛津高阶〔conspiratorial〕a secret and supposedly conspiratorial party meeting秘密的并且据说带有阴谋性质的政党会议外研社新世纪〔defection〕numerous defections of the members of the party out of office to the ruling party 在野党党员的大量投向执政党英汉大词典〔defect〕defected from the party over the issue of free trade. 在自由贸易的问题上背叛了自己的政党美国传统〔disunited〕an increasingly disunited party. 一个分歧越来越大的政党柯林斯高阶〔disunited〕an increasingly disunited party逐渐分裂的政党外研社新世纪〔dogma〕political/religious/party dogma 政治╱宗教╱政党信条牛津高阶〔dominant〕a change which would maintain his party's dominant position in Scotland. 将使他的政党在苏格兰继续占据支配地位的变化柯林斯高阶〔dominant〕his party's dominant position in Scotland他所在的政党在苏格兰的主导地位外研社新世纪〔dual〕her dual role as head of the party and head of state她身为政党领袖和国家元首的双重身份外研社新世纪〔duel〕a duel between the two political parties 两个政党间的斗争英汉大词典〔forward-looking〕the need for the party to be forward-looking该政党高瞻远瞩的必要性外研社新世纪〔graphical〕a graphical map of Britain showing the party gains in each area. 以图表标注该政党在各区获得选票情况的英国地图柯林斯高阶〔hydra-headed〕the hydra-headed leadership of a political party 政党的多头领导英汉大词典〔infrastructure〕a party infrastructure 政党机构英汉大词典〔inner〕the fascinating inner life of a political party 引人入胜的政党隐秘生活朗文当代〔kickback〕alleged kickbacks and illegal party financing涉嫌收受佣金及政党非法筹资外研社新世纪〔left wing〕on the left wing of the party 属于这个政党的左翼牛津高阶〔leftist〕a leftist party 左派政党英汉大词典〔left〕a political party that has shifted left 已转向左派的政党韦氏高阶〔member〕a senior member of the ruling party 执政党的资深人士朗文当代〔nationalist〕a nationalist administration/politician/party 国家主义政府/政治家/政党麦克米伦高阶〔nonpartisan〕a nonpartisan commission; nonpartisan opinions. 非政党委员;非党派意见美国传统〔partisan〕political partisans who only see one side of the problem 看问题有失偏颇的政党支持者韦氏高阶〔party〕a bitter dispute which finally split the party 最终导致该政党分裂的激烈争执牛津搭配〔party〕both main political parties 两个主要政党牛津搭配〔politicking〕the politicking at the party conference 政党大会上的政治活动朗文当代〔politics〕party politics 政党政治文馨英汉〔responsible〕a complex web of party bodies ultimately responsible to the Central Committee 最终向中央委员会负责的复杂的政党机构牛津搭配〔rule〕majority rule(= government by the political party that most people have voted for) 获选票多数的政党组成政府的原则牛津高阶〔secretary-general〕the secretary-general of a political party 政党的总书记英汉大词典〔supporter〕a supporter of a political party.某政党的支持者。牛津同义词〔symbiosis〕the cosy symbiosis of the traditional political parties. 传统政党间友好的互惠互利关系柯林斯高阶〔tally〕boost the seat tally of a party 使一个政党的议会席数猛增英汉大词典〔underfinanced〕an underfinanced political party 经费不足的政党英汉大词典〔wilderness〕a party released from 12 years in the wilderness. 摆脱了12年在野状态的政党柯林斯高阶




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