

单词 所感
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔attend〕fearful of the fate which might attend surrender对投降之后的命运所感到的恐惧外研社新世纪〔catch〕caught the joyous mood of the festival. 被节日的欢乐气氛所感染美国传统〔clean〕the clean thrill of one's first flight 第一次飞行时所感受到的极度刺激英汉大词典〔disconnection〕a mental disconnection from the pleasure being experienced与所感知快乐的精神分离外研社新世纪〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government. 很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感柯林斯高阶〔horse-trading〕the anger and distaste many people feel at the political horse-trading involved in forming a government很多人对政府组阁过程中的政治交易所感到的气愤和反感外研社新世纪〔move〕be deeply moved by sb.'s devotion 深为某人的献身精神所感动英汉大词典〔real〕the shock of leaving university and going out into the real world 离开大学走进现实世界所感受的震惊朗文当代〔responsive〕be responsive to affection 易被柔情所感染 英汉大词典〔split〕a split between what is thought and what is felt所想与所感之间的不同外研社新世纪〔within〕the hatred she felt within 她内心所感到的恨文馨英汉




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