

单词 armed forces
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔conventional〕the deployment of conventional armed forces in Europe 欧洲常规军事力量的部署麦克米伦高阶〔directive〕a directive to the armed forces 给武装部队的命令英汉大词典〔esteem〕the high public esteem now enjoyed by the armed forces 武装部队如今享有的来自公众的高度尊重牛津搭配〔face-lift〕modernize the armed forces with a multibillion-dollar face-lift 把几十亿用于更新装备使武装部队现代化英汉大词典〔force〕the decision to send armed forces over the border 往境外派遣武装部队的决定牛津搭配〔nuclearly〕the nuclearly armed forces 用核武器装备的部队英汉大词典〔obligation〕a legal obligation to serve in the armed forces 服兵役的法律义务英汉大词典〔projection〕the projection of armed forces into other nations 武装部队对别国的入侵英汉大词典〔regular〕the regular armed forces 正规武装部队英汉大词典〔restructure〕the major restructuring of our armed forces 我们武装力量的重大调整朗文当代〔retain〕retain effective control over the armed forces 继续有效地控制武装部队 英汉大词典〔secondment〕serve on secondment with the armed forces 暂时调到武装部队供职英汉大词典〔sister〕support for our sisters in the armed forces 对军中姊妹们的支持麦克米伦高阶〔supreme〕the Supreme Commander of the armed forces 武装部队的最高统帅牛津高阶〔supreme〕the supreme commander of the armed forces 武装部队最高统帅剑桥高阶




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