

单词 当代的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Spenglerian〕Spenglerian worries of the present era 当代的施本格勒学派式忧患英汉大词典〔contemporize〕To make modern or contemporary, as in style or décor.使合乎时代:使…成为现代或当代的,如在风格或装饰布局上美国传统〔de nos jours〕Justin Bieber - an Elvis Presley de nos jours 贾斯汀·比伯——当代的埃尔维斯·普雷斯利剑桥高阶〔descriptivist〕He was a descriptivist and believed that a dictionary should reflect the actual contemporary state of the language.他曾是一名语言描写主义者,认为词典应该反映语言在当代的真实使用情况。剑桥高阶〔existent〕Occurring or present at the moment; current.目前的;当代的美国传统〔genuflection〕Contemporary Hollywood movies often make subtle genuflections to the great film-makers of the past.当代的好莱坞电影经常委婉地表达对电影界伟大前辈们的崇高敬意。剑桥高阶〔latter-day〕He seems to think he's some sort of latter-day Moses who will lead us out of bondage.他好像认为自己有点像当代的摩西,将带领我们摆脱奴役。韦氏高阶〔modern-day〕She's a modern-day Joan of Arc.她是当代的圣女贞德。朗文当代〔mosaic〕Today's American youth is a mosaic of many colors, ages and attitudes.当代的美国青年是由肤色、年龄、处世态度各异的青年拼凑而成的一代。英汉大词典〔odeum〕A contemporary theater or concert hall.当代的剧场或音乐厅美国传统〔prophesy〕The book claims that modern events were prophesied in ancient times.这本书声称古代就有人预言了当代的重大事件。韦氏高阶〔relish〕In his book he exposed with relish all the evils of the present day.在他的书里,他饶有兴味地揭露了当代的种种邪恶。英汉大词典〔transpose〕The director transposes Shakespeare's play from 16th century Venice to present-day England.导演把莎士比亚的戏剧从 16 世纪的威尼斯改成当代的英国。牛津高阶An up-to-date dictionary ought to include the latest neologisms.当代的词典应该包括最新的新词和旧词新义。剑桥国际Her dance compositions added a whole (= completely) new dimension to the contemporary dance repertoire.她的舞蹈作品为当代的舞蹈剧目增添了一个全新的方向。剑桥国际His novel is a mirror of the times. 他的小说是当代的真实写照。译典通




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