

单词 市镇
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ROAD/PATH〕in a town 在市镇上朗文写作活用〔ROAD/PATH〕outside a town 在市镇外朗文写作活用〔TOWN〕relating to or in a town 与市镇有关的或在市镇内的朗文写作活用〔alive〕a really alive town 一个生气勃勃的市镇英汉大词典〔bisect〕a highway that bisects a town 把市镇一分为二的公路英汉大词典〔borough〕the borough council 市镇议会麦克米伦高阶〔centralize〕the post office centralizing the town 作为市镇中心的邮局英汉大词典〔cross-town〕a cross-town street [bus] 横过市镇的街道[公车]文馨英汉〔distant〕a house a mile distant from town), or it can indicate an indefinite but sizable interval ( 距市镇一英里的房屋), 或用来指不确定的但相当大的距离( 美国传统〔distant〕a town 100 miles distant 100英里以外的市镇英汉大词典〔end〕the end of town. 市镇边界美国传统〔fair〕a fair-sized town 一座不小的市镇牛津高阶〔fortify〕to fortify a town.加强市镇的防御。牛津同义词〔garrison〕garrison a town 驻守一个市镇英汉大词典〔hick〕a hick town. 一座乡村市镇美国传统〔hightail〕hightailed out of town. 快速逃离了市镇美国传统〔middling〕a town of middling size 中型的市镇文馨英汉〔on〕a town on the border. 靠近边界的一个市镇美国传统〔planning〕a masterpiece of 18th-century town planning18世纪市镇规划的杰作外研社新世纪〔plant〕a town planted at the mouth of a river 位于河口的一座市镇英汉大词典〔preserved〕the best preserved mediaeval township in the world 世界上保存最为完好的中世纪遗留市镇英汉大词典〔project〕a project to build a bypass.兴建﹙绕过市镇的﹚旁道的计划。牛津同义词〔requisition〕requisition a town for lorries 向一座市镇征用卡车英汉大词典〔road〕high street shops 市镇大街的商店牛津高阶〔self-elected〕a self-elected town council 自选的市镇政务委员会英汉大词典〔slow〕a slow town 死气沉沉的市镇英汉大词典〔solitary〕a solitary spot miles from town 离市镇很远的偏僻地点英汉大词典〔south〕the south end of town 市镇的南端英汉大词典〔throb〕a town throbbing with business activity 生意繁忙的热闹市镇英汉大词典〔through〕pass through a town 穿过市镇文馨英汉




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