

单词 引起争论
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔argumentative〕The question is argumentative.这个问题会引起争论。英汉大词典〔argy-bargy〕A lively or disputatious discussion.大声争论:热烈的或引起争论的讨论美国传统〔contentious〕Animal welfare did not become a contentious issue until the late 1970s.动物福利到 20 世纪 70 年代末才成为一个引起争论的话题。朗文当代〔controversial〕He is a controversial person.他是个引起争论的人物。文馨英汉〔controversial〕We tried to stay away from controversial topics at the dinner party.我们在晚宴上尽量避免会引起争论的话题。麦克米伦高阶〔dynamite〕The death penalty is political dynamite.死刑是一个引起争论的政治话题。韦氏高阶〔issue〕Abortion is always a controversial issue.有争议/引起争论/棘手的问题麦克米伦高阶〔semipublic〕Any public or semipublic expression of racism is controversial.任何公开的或半公开的种族主义的措词都会引起争论美国传统〔teach-in〕An extended session, as on a college or university campus, for lectures and discussions on an important, usually controversial issue.宣讲会:在学院或大学校园中用来演讲或讨论重要的、通常会引起争论的话题的扩大性会议美国传统This book is designed to be provocative rather than a watertight piece of economic analysis.这本书旨在引起争论,而不是对经济作严密分析。剑桥国际This challenging book is one of the most thought-provoking that I've ever read.这本引起争论的书是我读到过的最引人深思的书之一。剑桥国际




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