

单词 少年
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PLACE〕a teenage hangout on Fountain Street 喷泉街上一个青少年常去的地方朗文写作活用〔SPECIAL〕a new range of beauty products specially designed for teenagers 特别为青少年设计的一套新的美容产品朗文写作活用〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕a daily news programme aimed at teenagers 一个以青少年为对象的每日新闻节目朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕the teenage music scene 青少年音乐圈子朗文写作活用〔accommodation〕secure accommodation for young offenders 严密看管的少年犯囚室朗文当代〔anti-social〕teenagers who will become aggressive and anti-social. 将会变得好斗、孤僻的青少年一代柯林斯高阶〔bomb〕teenagers bombing around in a convertible 坐在敞篷车里飙车兜风的青少年韦氏高阶〔delinquent〕a group of violent delinquents 青少年暴力团伙韦氏高阶〔desperate〕the missing teenager's desperate parents 失踪少年那感到绝望的父母朗文当代〔do〕bored teenagers with nothing to do 无所事事的无聊的青少年朗文当代〔errant〕errant youngsters. 走入歧途的少年美国传统〔foul〕teenagers who run foul of the law触犯法律的青少年外研社新世纪〔gangling〕gangling adolescents. 瘦长难看的少年美国传统〔gear〕the latest gear for teenagers. 最新的青少年服饰美国传统〔gorge〕teenagers gorging themselves on pizza and chips大吃比萨和薯条的少年外研社新世纪〔horny〕horny teenagers 欲火中烧的青少年韦氏高阶〔juvenile〕a scheme to lock up persistent juvenile offenders. 将青少年惯犯关入监狱的计划柯林斯高阶〔juvenile〕juvenile crime/offenders 青少年犯罪/少年犯剑桥高阶〔knock off〕two nervous teenagers knocking off a café正在抢劫一家咖啡馆的两名紧张不安的少年外研社新世纪〔lane〕the young criminals' lust for life in the fast lane. 青少年罪犯对紧张刺激生活的贪求柯林斯高阶〔language〕the language of teenagers 青少年特有用语英汉大词典〔misuse〕alcohol misuse among teenagers 青少年的酗酒牛津搭配〔mod〕the fights between the mods and the rockers 摩登派和老客派青少年之间的殴斗英汉大词典〔pimply〕a pimply adolescent boy 长有粉刺的少年剑桥高阶〔prevalent〕a fashion that is prevalent among teenagers 青少年中流行的时尚韦氏高阶〔prohibition〕a prohibition against selling alcohol to people under the age of 18 禁止向 18 岁以下青少年售酒的法令牛津高阶〔purposeless〕a solitary, purposeless teenager in a depopulated village生活在人口剧减的村庄里的孤独而毫无目标的少年外研社新世纪〔radical〕a radical solution to the problem of juvenile crime 解决青少年犯罪问题的一个根本办法麦克米伦高阶〔rangy〕a rangy teenager 身高体瘦的少年韦氏高阶〔rebellion〕teenage rebellion 青少年的叛逆牛津高阶〔rebellious〕rebellious teenagers 叛逆的青少年朗文当代〔rowdiness〕adolescent behaviour like vandalism and rowdiness. 破坏公物和惹是生非之类的青少年行为柯林斯高阶〔rowdiness〕adolescent behaviour like vandalism and rowdiness破坏公物、寻衅闹事之类的青少年行为外研社新世纪〔secure〕a secure unit for child offenders 少年犯拘留病房牛津高阶〔spot〕a teenager with spots on his face 脸上有粉刺的青少年韦氏高阶〔teenaged〕a teenaged athlete 少年运动员英汉大词典〔teenager〕a young teenager of fourteen 14 岁的少年牛津搭配〔teenage〕teenage rebellion 青少年的叛逆朗文当代〔teen〕teen violence. 青少年暴力事件柯林斯高阶magazines targeted at teens 面向青少年的杂志牛津商务




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