

单词 大幅
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Arabic〕a large tapestry with swirling Arabic script. 绘有螺旋形阿拉伯字母的大幅花毯柯林斯高阶〔acceleration〕the sharp acceleration in job losses失业人数的大幅度增加外研社新世纪〔cloak〕the decision to cloak major tourist attractions in unsightly hoardings. 在主要景点外挂满刺眼的大幅广告牌的决定柯林斯高阶〔decrease〕significant decreases in activity 活动大幅减少韦氏高阶〔deep-discount〕deep-discount bonds 大幅贴现债券英汉大词典〔deep〕deep discount bonds 大幅度贴现债券英汉大词典〔dilution〕a potentially devastating dilution of earnings per share每股收益可能的大幅摊薄外研社新世纪〔draconian〕a draconian legal code; draconian budget cuts. 严酷的法典;大幅度的削减预算美国传统〔faith〕a large decline in the number of people who have an active faith of any sort 有某种积极信仰的人的数量的大幅度下降牛津搭配〔fall〕a big fall in house prices 房价的大幅下降牛津搭配〔flounce〕an actress flouncing around on the stage 在舞台上大幅扭动的女演员韦氏高阶〔generous〕a generous pay increase 大幅度加薪剑桥高阶〔greedy〕greedy bosses who award themselves huge pay rises给自己大幅涨薪的贪心老板外研社新世纪〔handsome〕a handsome price; won by a handsome margin. 一笔巨额奖金;大幅度获胜美国传统〔hike〕shopkeepers who hiked their prices for the tourist trade. 店铺老板们对观光客们大幅提价美国传统〔hoarding〕an advertising hoarding 大幅广告牌剑桥高阶〔huge〕a huge increase in cost 成本的大幅提高朗文当代〔increase〕a sharp increase in productivity. 生产率的大幅提高柯林斯高阶〔inflated〕vastly inflated salaries 大幅上涨的工资麦克米伦高阶〔jump〕a big jump in energy conservation. 大幅度的能源节约柯林斯高阶〔massive〕massive increases in the number of homeless 无家可归者数量的大幅度增加朗文当代〔painting〕a large oil-painting of Queen Victoria. 维多利亚女王的大幅油画柯林斯高阶〔pitched〕a rather quaint lodge with a steeply-pitched roof. 屋顶大幅倾斜的相当老式别致的小屋柯林斯高阶〔plunge〕the economy's downward plunge 经济的大幅下滑牛津搭配〔prominently〕a large picture prominently displayed in the front room 显眼地挂在客厅里的大幅图画英汉大词典〔reduce〕a drastically reduced price 大幅降低的价格韦氏高阶〔reduction〕a sale with massive reductions on selected items 指定商品的大幅降价销售牛津搭配〔retouch〕heavily retouched photographs of pop stars 进行了大幅修整的明星照片麦克米伦高阶〔risk〕a big jump in the risk premium on corporate bonds 公司债券风险溢价的大幅跳升牛津搭配〔savage〕savage cuts in education spending 教育开支的大幅度削减剑桥高阶〔sea power〕a massive increase in sea power 海军实力的大幅提高韦氏高阶〔steep〕a steep drop in orders 订单的大幅度减少朗文当代〔steep〕steep cuts in benefits 救济金的大幅度削减朗文当代〔sweeping〕a sweeping gesture; a sweeping glance. 做大幅度挥手动作;环视美国传统〔swingeing〕swingeing cuts in pay 工资大幅削减韦氏高阶〔vastly〕vastly improved 大幅改进的剑桥高阶a big upsurge in demand for new cars 对新汽车需求的大幅度上涨牛津商务a leap in profits/productivity 利润/生产率的大幅度提高牛津商务a period of aggressive discounting by retailers 零售商大幅打折的时期牛津商务advertising on large-format billboards 大幅广告牌上的广告牛津商务




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