

单词 宫廷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕Ballet is a 400-year-old art form, born in the courts of Europe. 芭蕾舞是一种有400年历史的艺术形式,始见于欧洲的宫廷中。朗文写作活用〔Court of Saint James's〕The British royal court.英国王室宫廷美国传统〔Du Barry〕French courtier and influential mistress of Louis XV. She was guillotined for crimes against the state by a Revolutionary tribunal.杜·巴莉:法国宫廷侍臣,路易十五有影响力的情妇,被革命法庭以反政府罪判处斩首美国传统〔Saint-Simon〕French diplomat and writer whose memoirs of the court of Louis XIV are a valuable historical source.圣西门:法国外交家和作家,他的路易十四宫廷回忆录是具有一定价值的历史原始资料美国传统〔WRITE〕These love poems are believed to have been composed by a poet at the court of King Henry II. 这些爱情诗相信是亨利二世时代的一位宫廷诗人创作的。朗文写作活用〔ascetic〕He left the luxuries of the court for the life of an ascetic.他放弃了宫廷的奢华, 过起了苦行僧式的清贫生活。外研社新世纪〔ascetic〕He left the luxuries of the court for the life of an ascetic.他放弃了宫廷的奢华,过起了清贫的生活。柯林斯高阶〔bauble〕Archaic A mock scepter carried by a court jester.【古语】 丑角手杖:古时宫廷小丑所持的模拟权杖美国传统〔chamberlain〕A high-ranking official in various royal courts.宫廷内务大臣:各种宫廷内的高级官员美国传统〔chapel〕Music A choir or orchestra connected with a place of worship at a royal court.【音乐】 唱诗班,管弦乐队:宫廷小教堂的唱诗班或管弦乐队美国传统〔coup〕He deposed his father in a palace coup in 1970.他在 1970 年的一次宫廷政变中废黜了父亲的王位。牛津搭配〔courtier〕An attendant at a sovereign's court.侍臣;廷臣:国王宫廷的侍从美国传统〔court〕A sovereign's governing body, including the council of ministers and state advisers.朝廷,宫廷:国王的管理机制,包括部长委员会和国家参谋美国传统〔court〕He quickly lost his popularity at court.他在宫廷中迅速失宠。剑桥高阶〔court〕Like a court jester in a medieval palace, he tried to amuse his rulers.他像中世纪宫殿中的宫廷弄臣一样,想方设法让统治者开心。牛津搭配〔court〕Mozart quickly became well known in court circles.莫扎特很快就在宫廷圈内广为人知。牛津搭配〔court〕The court went into mourning when the king's uncle died.王叔去世时,宫廷上下都服丧。英汉大词典〔court〕The place of residence of a sovereign or dignitary; a royal mansion or palace.王宫,宫廷:国王或贵族居住的地方;皇家宅第或宫殿美国传统〔court〕Their family was certainly well regarded at court.他们家族在宫廷中无疑颇受敬重。外研社新世纪〔court〕There was a taste in court circles for romantic verse.宫廷里爱好情诗。朗文当代〔durbar〕The court of an Indian prince.印度王子的宫廷美国传统〔enervate〕She was enervated by the luxury of palace life.宫廷的奢华生活使她变得萎靡不振。21世纪英汉〔eunuch〕A castrated man employed as a harem attendant or as a functionary in certain Asian courts.宦官,太监:某些亚洲宫廷内,在内宫侍候女眷或被任为宫廷内侍的被阉割了的男人美国传统〔fashion〕She spoke in French after (= copying) the fashion of the court.她模仿宫廷法语发表讲话。牛津搭配〔favourite〕The king had his favourites at court.国王在宫廷中有自己的亲信。英汉大词典〔favour〕He stood in high favour at the court of Lewis the Pious.他在虔诚者刘易斯的宫廷里深受赏识。牛津搭配〔fool's cap〕A gaily decorated cap, usually with a number of loose peaks tipped with bells, formerly worn by court jesters and clowns.滑稽帽,小丑帽:装饰有趣的帽子,通常有许多缀有小铃铛很松散的帽舌,以前是宫廷弄臣或小丑戴的美国传统〔fool〕A member of a royal or noble household who provided entertainment, as with jokes or antics; a jester.弄臣,宫廷小丑:一些皇室或贵族家庭成员,他们提供娱乐如讲笑话或表演滑稽动作;小丑美国传统〔fool〕The fool, jester or clown occupies the humblest place in the court.弄臣或小丑在宫廷中地位最低下。外研社新世纪〔independence〕Edward III tried to assert his independence of the regime at court.爱德华三世努力在宫廷维护自己的王权独立。牛津搭配〔jai alai〕An extremely fast court game in which players use a long hand-shaped basket strapped to the wrist to propel the ball against a wall.回力球:一种极为快速的宫廷游戏,游戏者用系在腕上的长的形状如手的篮子对着墙击球美国传统〔jester〕A fool or buffoon at medieval courts.小丑,弄臣:中世纪宫廷演滑稽戏的小丑或弄臣美国传统〔lady in waiting〕A lady of a court appointed to serve or attend a queen, princess, or royal duchess.女侍臣:由宫廷选派的为王后、公主或皇室公爵夫人服务或侍从的女性美国传统〔motley〕The parti-colored attire of a court jester.宫廷小丑穿的杂色彩衣美国传统〔nowhere〕If you are extremely rich, you could stay nowhere better than the Ruislip Court Hotel.如果你非常有钱,那就住赖斯利普宫廷酒店吧,没有比它更好的地方了。柯林斯高阶〔painter〕Rudolf II's court painter 鲁道夫二世的宫廷画家牛津搭配〔palace coup〕A palace coup led by General Rodríguez has toppled the dictator.罗德里格斯将军领导的宫廷政变推翻了独裁者。剑桥高阶〔palace revolution〕He deposed his father in a palace coup.他在一场宫廷政变中废黜了自己的父亲。朗文当代〔palace〕She found it hard to adjust to palace life.她发现很难适应宫廷生活。牛津搭配〔palace〕The king was deposed by his son in a palace coup.国王在一次宫廷政变中被儿子废黜。牛津搭配〔palatine〕Of or relating to a palatine or palatinate.官吏:属于或有关于宫廷官吏的美国传统〔palatine〕Used as a title for various administrative officials of the late Roman and Byzantine empires.宫廷官吏:用来作为各种各样管理官员的头衔,在罗马和拜占庭帝国后期美国传统〔splendour〕Montagu was extremely impressed by the splendours of the French court.法国宫廷的豪华给蒙塔古留下了很深的印象。柯林斯高阶A palace coup led by the general has toppled the dictator.由将军领导的宫廷政变推翻了独裁者。剑桥国际Court life was governed by the most precise form of etiquette.宫廷生活由最繁缛的礼节形式控制着。剑桥国际He quickly lost his popularity at court.他在宫廷中迅速失宠。剑桥国际In medieval times, kings and queens often employed court jesters.中世纪时国王和王后常常雇用宫廷弄臣。剑桥国际These palace records were copied out three and a half thousand years ago by an Egyptian scribe. 这些宫廷的记录是三千五百年前一位埃及的抄写员抄出来的。译典通




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