

单词 宫廷
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔banish〕banish sb. from court 禁止某人出入宫廷英汉大词典〔brilliant〕the brilliant court life at Versailles. 凡尔赛宫廷中奢华的生活美国传统〔buffoon〕a court buffoon. 宫廷小丑美国传统〔camp〕spend one's life between camp and court 在军队和宫廷中度过一生英汉大词典〔courtly〕courtly aristocracy宫廷贵族外研社新世纪〔court〕a court ball 宫廷舞会英汉大词典〔court〕a court jester; court records. 宫廷弄臣;法庭记录美国传统〔court〕a member of the imperial court of Kyoto 京都的一位宫廷成员牛津搭配〔court〕a monarch’s court.宫廷。牛津同义词〔court〕court manners 宫廷礼节英汉大词典〔court〕life at court 宫廷生活牛津搭配〔court〕life at the court of Charles I 查理一世时的宫廷生活牛津搭配〔court〕the court of Queen Victoria 维多利亚女王的宫廷牛津高阶〔court〕the royal courts of Europe 欧洲皇家宫廷朗文当代〔etiquette〕a breach of court etiquette 违反宫廷礼仪牛津搭配〔etiquette〕the strict etiquette of palace life 宫廷生活的严格礼仪牛津搭配〔favour〕be in favour at court 在宫廷中受宠英汉大词典〔guard〕the palace guard 宫廷卫队韦氏高阶〔intrigue〕a tale of treachery and court intrigue 一个关于背叛和宫廷阴谋的故事牛津搭配〔jester〕a court jester 宫廷弄臣剑桥高阶〔jester〕the court jester 宫廷弄臣牛津高阶〔jester〕the court jester 宫廷弄臣韦氏高阶〔lady〕the lords and ladies of the court 宫廷的贵族及夫人牛津高阶〔libertine〕libertines of the royal court 宫廷的浪荡子韦氏高阶〔lord〕the Lord Chamberlain 宫廷大臣阁下麦克米伦高阶〔masque〕a Court masque 宫廷假面剧朗文当代〔mount〕mount an attack (a palace revolt) 发动进攻(宫廷政变) 英汉大词典〔palace〕a palace revolution/coup 宫廷革命/政变韦氏高阶〔palace〕palace ladies 宫廷贵妇英汉大词典〔palace〕palace politics 宫廷政治英汉大词典〔palace〕palace politics 宫廷政治韦氏高阶〔portrait〕a portrait of life at the French court 对法国宫廷生活的详细描述牛津高阶〔revolution〕a palace revolution 宫廷政变 英汉大词典〔roving〕troupes of roving court jesters流动的宫廷逗乐小丑剧团外研社新世纪〔to〕a painter to the royal court 宫廷画师英汉大词典




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