

单词 大分
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Great Dividing Range〕A chain of mountains curving along the eastern coast of Australia.大分水岭:沿澳大利亚东海岸分布的一系列山脉美国传统〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕Bodie looks much the same as the day the mines closed down. 博迪还是老样子,和矿井关闭那天没大分别。朗文写作活用〔New England Range〕A mountain range and plateau of southeast Australia in the northern part of the Great Dividing Range.新英格兰分水岭:澳大利亚东南的山脊和高地,在大分岭的北部美国传统〔biopolymer〕A macromolecule, such as a protein or nucleic acid, that is formed in a living organism.生物聚合物:生物体内形成的大分子,如蛋白质或核酸美国传统〔control〕Editors do not exercise control over large sections of their newspapers.编辑并不控制报纸的大分类版面。牛津搭配〔disagree〕They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.即便在有很大分歧时,他们也还是能够交流。柯林斯高阶〔dissent〕The war provoked strong dissent.战争引起了重大分歧。牛津搭配〔divergence〕This overall figure conceals wide divergences between the main industrial countries.这项综合数据掩盖了主要工业国家间的巨大分歧。柯林斯高阶〔divided〕Experts are sharply divided on/over the issue.专家在这一问题上存在巨大分歧。韦氏高阶〔divide〕The time had come to cross the great divide between formality and truth.是时候跨越形式与真理之间的巨大分界线了。柯林斯高阶〔later〕At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.在后来举行的记者招待会上, 他说不应该夸大分歧。外研社新世纪〔later〕At a later news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized.在后来的新闻发布会上,他说不应夸大分歧。柯林斯高阶〔mesomere〕A blastomere of intermediate size, larger than a micromere but smaller than a macromere.中分裂球:中等尺寸的分裂球,大于小分裂球而小于大分裂球美国传统〔phylum〕Linguistics A large division of possibly genetically related families of languages or linguistic stocks.【语言学】 语群:可能遗传上有关系的语系或语族的一个大分支美国传统〔separateness〕He announced a new ministry to deal with Quebec's threat to separate from Canada.他宣布成立一个新部门,专门处理魁北克威胁要从加拿大分裂出去一事。柯林斯高阶〔separate〕These two branches of the science have now become clearly separated.这门科学的两大分支现在已经明确分开了。牛津搭配〔sporogony〕Reproduction by multiple fission of a spore or zygote, characteristic of many sporozoans. Sporogony results in the production of sporozoites.孢子生殖:通过一个孢子或受精卵的扩大分裂而生殖,以众多的孢体为特征。孢子生殖导致孢子的产生美国传统〔subbranch〕A subdivision that has common differentiating characteristics within a larger branch.小分支:较大分支机构中具共同差异性的小分支美国传统〔template〕Biochemistry A molecule of a nucleic acid, such as DNA, that serves as a pattern or mold for the synthesis of a macromolecule, as of RNA.【生物化学】 模板:用作一个大分子如RNA分析的模板或模型的核糖核酸的基础粒子,如DNA美国传统As president, he tried unsuccessfully to bridge the yawning chasm between (=to reduce the very large difference between) the north and the south.作为总统,他试图弥合南北方之间的巨大分歧,可是没成功。剑桥国际Diluted earnings per share rose by 30 Canadian cents.每股摊薄收益增加了 30 加拿大分。牛津商务During the Great Schism in the Roman Catholic Church, from 1378 to 1417, there was a Pope in Avignon and a Pope in Rome.在1378至1417年间的罗马天主教会大分裂中,同时存在着一个阿维尼翁教皇和一个罗马教皇。剑桥国际It is hoped that the peace plan will bridge the gulf (= reduce the very large difference) between the government and the rebels.希望和平计划能缩小政府和反叛力量之间的巨大分歧。剑桥国际The findings show a substantial difference between the opinions of men and women.调查结果表明了男女意见的巨大分歧。剑桥国际




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