

单词 国者
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔apostate〕an apostate connection with a foreign power 叛国者里通外国的联系英汉大词典〔blue on blue〕a 'Blue on Blue' incident which saw an RAF Tornado jet brought down by a Patriot missile 皇家空军的旋风战斗机被爱国者导弹击落的误伤友军事件朗文当代〔boast〕boast oneself a patriot 自吹是个爱国者英汉大词典〔deploy〕the US-made Patriot anti-missile system which was deployed in the Gulf War在海湾战争中部署的美国造“爱国者”反导系统外研社新世纪〔deploy〕the US-made Patriot anti-missile system which was deployed in the Gulf war. 在海湾战争中部署的美国制造的“爱国者”反导弹系统柯林斯高阶〔fervid〕a fervid patriot. 热情的爱国者美国传统〔hot〕a hot patriot 热情的爱国者英汉大词典〔patriotic〕a patriotic man who served his country well 为国尽忠的爱国者牛津高阶〔patriot〕a fervent patriot 赤诚的爱国者英汉大词典〔petticoat〕a patriot in petticoats 女爱国者英汉大词典〔root〕one's roots country (指移居别国者的)祖先国 英汉大词典〔setter-on〕a setter-on to treason 怂恿叛国者英汉大词典〔show〕showed no mercy to the traitors. 对叛国者毫不留情美国传统〔to〕a traitor to one's country 叛国者英汉大词典〔true-blue〕a true-blue patriot 忠诚坚定的爱国者英汉大词典〔true-blue〕a true-blue patriot 忠诚的爱国者韦氏高阶〔whole-hog〕a whole-hog patriot 彻底的爱国者英汉大词典




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