

单词 国统
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIGHT〕He was a hero in the fight for independence from France. 他是争取独立,脱离法国统治的斗争的英雄。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕For many years Algeria was under French rule. 阿尔及利亚被法国统治了多年。朗文写作活用〔GOVERNMENT〕India was ruled by the British for a very long time. 印度被英国统治了很长时间。朗文写作活用〔INDEPENDENT〕The Solomon Islands became independent from Britain about 15 years ago. 所罗门群岛约在15年前脱离英国统治获得独立。朗文写作活用〔Inca〕A ruler or high-ranking member of the Inca empire.印加帝国统治者或贵族美国传统〔Pax〕Pax Romana (= the peace forced by Rome on its empire) 罗马帝国统治下的和平剑桥高阶〔Raj〕Indian living conditions under the Raj.在英国统治下印度人民的生活状况柯林斯高阶〔TEST〕Schools are required to give students national standardized tests. 学校需要对学生进行全国统一考试。朗文写作活用〔against〕There was growing resentment among the people against their foreign rulers.民众中对外国统治者的不满情绪越来越高涨。麦克米伦高阶〔chancellor〕Helmut Kohl became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 1990.赫尔穆特‧科尔于1990年成为德国统一后的首任总理。剑桥高阶〔cheerleader〕Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the leading cheerleader for German unification.赫尔穆特·科尔总理是德国统一的主要倡导者。外研社新世纪〔cheerleader〕Chancellor Helmut Kohl was the leading cheerleader for German unification.赫尔穆特·科尔总理是德国统一的主要支持者。柯林斯高阶〔dominion〕The island is still under foreign dominion.该岛仍受外国统治。文馨英汉〔hasten〕This move was seen as an attempt to hasten the process of German unification.这一举动被视为加速德国统一进程的一种尝试。外研社新世纪〔imperialism〕Roman imperialism 罗马帝国统治牛津高阶〔irredenta〕A region that is culturally or historically related to one nation but is subject to a foreign government.同文同种外国属地,应属一国却为外国统治地:在历史或文化方面与同一国相关联但由外国政府统治的地区美国传统〔legacy〕India's railway system is one of the more positive legacies of the British Raj.印度铁路系统是英国统治时期留下的更具积极意义的遗产之一。外研社新世纪〔lese majesty〕An offense or a crime committed against the ruler or supreme power of a state.冒犯君主罪,大逆不道罪:因反对一国统治者或最高权威而犯的罪行或过错美国传统〔liberate〕To set free, as from oppression, confinement, or foreign control.解放:释放,例如从压迫下、囚禁中或外国统治下美国传统〔logistically〕It is about time that the U.N. considers logistically deploying additional military resources.现在该是联合国统筹考虑增加部署军事资源的时候了。外研社新世纪〔malign〕Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.外国统治对当地政治造成了有害的影响。剑桥高阶〔nationalism〕Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.民族独立:在一个外国统冶下的国家中,致力于国家独立美国传统〔overview〕The book gives an overview of the period of French rule.该书概述了法国统治的时期。麦克米伦高阶〔preparation〕Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification.纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。柯林斯高阶〔proclaim〕The Boers rebelled against British rule, proclaiming their independence on 30 December 1880.布尔人反抗英国统治,并于1880年12月30日宣布独立。柯林斯高阶〔represent〕To many local people these castles represent a hundred years of foreign domination.对许多当地居民说来,这些城堡是百年外国统治的象征。英汉大词典〔royalist〕An American loyal to British rule during the American Revolution; a Tory.保王分子、亲英分子或亲英分子:美国独立战争时对英国统治效忠的美国人;亲英分子美国传统〔sign〕The region still bears many signs of English rule.这地区仍带有不少英国统治的痕迹。英汉大词典〔the sun sets on sth〕It used to be said that Britain ruled an empire on which the sun would never set.过去人们常说英国统治着一个日不落帝国。剑桥高阶〔throw〕In 1845, they finally threw off the yoke of foreign rule.1845 年,他们终于摆脱了外国统治的枷锁。朗文当代〔united〕It was the first film festival to take place in a united Germany.这是德国统一后的第一个电影节。剑桥高阶〔united〕They opposed the idea of a united Germany.他们曾反对德国统一的主张。麦克米伦高阶〔unsound〕The national tests were educationally unsound.从教育角度看, 全国统考是不合理的。外研社新世纪〔unsound〕The national tests were educationally unsound.从教育角度看,全国统考是不合理的。柯林斯高阶〔we〕We declare our support for a government of national unity.我们宣布支持一个全国统一的政府。朗文当代〔yoke〕The country has struggled to free itself from the yoke of foreign rule.这个国家通过斗争摆脱了外国统治的枷锁。韦氏高阶Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.外国统治对当地政治产生了不良影响。剑桥国际Pax Romana (= the peace forced by Rome on its empire) 罗马帝国统治下的和平剑桥国际The Vice-President promised that there would be no attempt to impose a Pax Americana on the region.副总统保证将不会企图在该地区强加美国统治下的和平。剑桥国际The people in the north have revolted against foreign rule and established their own government.北方的人们已为反对外国统治而造了反,并建立了他们自己的政府。剑桥国际They argue that inconsistencies in the way results are collected prevent any reliable national picture emerging.他们争论说,(选举)结果的集中手段各地不一致,就无法产生出一个可靠的全国统计数。剑桥国际This country was once subjected to foreign rule. 这个国家一度曾受外国统治。译典通




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