

单词 医学的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aesculapian〕Relating to the healing arts; medical.医术的:与治疗方法有关的;医学的美国传统〔COME FROM〕Modern medicine often has its origins in ancient ways of doing things. 现代医学的许多做法都来源于古代。朗文写作活用〔DVM.〕Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.兽医学博士:攻读兽医学的博士美国传统〔EFFECTIVE/NOT EFFECTIVE〕Some alternative practitioners seem to regard the herb as some kind of miracle drug, but conventional doctors are warning them to be careful. 一些非传统医学的医生似乎把那草药当成是一种灵丹妙药,然而传统医生却告诫他们要小心使用。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕Cowley's pioneering development of modern emergency medicine helped save countless lives. 考利对现代急救医学的开拓性发展拯救了无数人的生命。朗文写作活用〔GET RID OF〕Advances in medical science have eliminated the need for many patients to spend long periods of time in hospital. 医学的进步为许多病人排除了长期住院的需要。朗文写作活用〔Galen〕Greek anatomist, physician, and writer. His theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance.加伦:希腊解剖学家、内科医生和作家。他的理论奠定了欧洲医学的基础直至文艺复兴时期美国传统〔IMPROVE〕Advances in medical science may make it possible for people to live for 150 years. 医学的进步也许能使人活到150岁。朗文写作活用〔advance〕Advances in medical science mean that people who would once have died of head injuries can now be saved.医学的进步意味着以前会死于颅脑损伤的人现在可以救活了。外研社新世纪〔bariatrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the causes, prevention, and treatment of obesity.肥胖症学:研究肥胖的原因、预防和治疗的医学的分支美国传统〔bioelectronics〕The application of the principles of electronics to biology and medicine.生物电子学:电子学原理对生物学和医学的应用美国传统〔biomedicine〕The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.临床生物医学:应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学美国传统〔branch〕Pathology is a branch of medicine.病理学是医学的一个分支。韦氏高阶〔consequential〕From a medical standpoint a week is usually not a consequential delay.从医学的角度来看, 耽搁一个星期通常并无大碍。外研社新世纪〔consequential〕From a medical standpoint a week is usually not a consequential delay.从医学的角度来看,耽误一个星期通常并无大碍。柯林斯高阶〔conventional medicine〕Today, many patients seek healing through both alternative medicine and conventional medicine. [=the usual methods of healing or treating disease that are taught in Western medical schools] 现如今,许多病人都寻求通过非传统医学与传统医学的结合来治愈疾病。韦氏高阶〔derive〕Medically, we will derive great benefit from this technique.从医学的角度来讲,我们将从这一技术中受益匪浅。朗文当代〔diagnostic〕An instrument or a technique used in medical diagnosis.诊器:用于医学的仪器或技术美国传统〔dispute〕It is beyond dispute that advances in medicine have enabled people to live longer.医学的发展让人们更加长寿了,这是无可置疑的。朗文当代〔disseminate〕The doctors disseminated information about preventive medicine.医生们传播有关预防医学的知识。21世纪英汉〔endodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth root, dental pulp, and surrounding tissue.牙髓病学:研究牙根、牙髓及其周围组织疾病的牙医学的一个分支美国传统〔epoch〕His theory marked a new epoch in medicine.他的理论开创了医学的新纪元。英汉大词典〔gastroenterology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the study of disorders affecting the stomach, intestines, and associated organs.胃肠病学:医学的一分支,致力于使胃、肠和有关器官感染的疾病的研究美国传统〔geriatric〕There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.老年保健医学的前景还是一个问号。柯林斯高阶〔internal medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of diseases affecting the internal organs of the body, especially in adults.内科学:医学的分支,主要诊断影响身体内部器官的疾病的以及进行非外科手术治疗美国传统〔latterly〕Latterly, he has written extensively about alternative medicine.近来,他写了大量有关替代医学的文章。柯林斯高阶〔living will〕A will in which the signer requests not to be kept alive by medical life-support systems in the event of a terminal illness.自然死亡声明:签名者要求在病入膏肓时不必依靠医学的生命维持系统来延长生命的遗嘱美国传统〔medical〕Of or relating to the study or practice of medicine.医学的:医学的,医疗的,与他们有关的美国传统〔medicine〕Their research has led to many important advances in modern medicine.他们的研究推动了现代医学的许多重大进步。韦氏高阶〔medicolegal〕Of, relating to, or concerned with medicine and law.法医学的:属于或关于医学和法律两者的美国传统〔miracle〕I considered my recovery to be a miracle of modern medicine.我认为我的康复是现代医学的出奇成就。剑桥高阶〔movement〕We have seen a growing movement towards natural medicine.我们已注意到有一种越来越趋向自然医学的倾向。麦克米伦高阶〔obstetrician〕A physician who specializes in obstetrics.产科医生:一个专攻产科医学的医生美国传统〔obstetrics〕The branch of medicine that deals with the care of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the recuperative period following delivery.产科医学:医学的一个分支,处理妇女怀孕、分娩及产后恢复阶段的医护工作美国传统〔occupational medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases and injuries occurring at work or in specific occupations.职业病学:医学的一个分支,处理那些在工作中出现或由特定职业引起的疾病的防治美国传统〔orthodox〕She believes in the benefits of both orthodox medicine and alternative medicine.正统医学和非传统医学的好处她都相信。韦氏高阶〔otology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the structure, function, and pathology of the ear.耳科学:医学的分支,研究耳的构造、功能和耳部病理学美国传统〔physic〕Archaic The art or profession of medicine.【古语】 医术,医业,医学:有关医学的技术和专业美国传统〔point of view〕From a medical point of view, there was no need for the operation.从医学的角度来看,没有做手术的必要。剑桥高阶〔possible〕Advances in medicine have made it possible for people to live longer.医学的进步使人类的寿命能够得以延长。韦氏高阶〔prosthodontics〕The branch of dentistry that deals with the replacement of missing teeth and related mouth or jaw structures by bridges, dentures, or other artificial devices.补牙学:牙科医学的分类,研究用齿床、假牙或其他人工器具替代缺牙和相关的嘴或下额的结构的学科美国传统〔psychiatry〕The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders.精神病学:医学的一支,专门从事精神和情感疾病的诊断、治疗和预防美国传统〔psychoimmunology〕The branch of medicine that studies the effects of psychological and social factors on the functioning of the immune system.精神免疫学:医学的分支,研究心理学因素与社会因素对免疫系统作用的影响美国传统〔queen〕Owing to the link with medicine, botany was queen.由于和医学的关系,植物学当时是众学科之冠。英汉大词典〔radiology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the use of radioactive substances in diagnosis and treatment of disease.医疗辐射学:医学的一个分支,从事用放射性物质进行疾病诊断和治疗美国传统〔sports medicine〕The branch of medicine that deals with injuries or illnesses resulting from participation in sports and athletic activities.运动医学:医学的一个分支,主要处理因参加体育运动而受伤或疾病美国传统〔turn〕He turned to the study and practice of medicine.他致力于医学的研究和实践。21世纪英汉〔venene〕A preparation of snake venoms used in medicine, especially in the treatment of epilepsy.配制蛇毒素:对用于医学的蛇毒素的配制,尤指用于治疗癫痫美国传统〔veterinary〕Of or relating to veterinary medicine; concerned or connected with the medical or surgical treatment of animals, especially domestic animals.兽医的:兽医医学的或与其有关的;与动物的医疗或手术治疗有关的,特别是家畜美国传统〔vet〕To engage in the practice of veterinary medicine.当兽医:从事兽医医学的实践美国传统I have a medical (=connected with medicine) question for you.我有一个医学的问题要问你。剑桥国际She is a cancer sufferer who has rejected orthodox medicine and turned instead to acupuncture and other forms of alternative medicine.她是一个癌症患者,她已经拒绝了正统医学的治疗方法而转向针灸及其他可供选择的医疗方式。剑桥国际




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