

单词 冥思
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PRAY〕The monks here believe strongly in the power of prayer and meditation. 此地的僧侣非常相信祷告和冥思的力量。朗文写作活用〔contemplate〕She lay in bed, contemplating.她躺在床上冥思苦想。牛津高阶〔light〕I puzzled over the problem for ages before the light suddenly dawned.我对这个问题冥思苦想了很久才豁然开朗。牛津高阶〔meditation〕A contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject.沉思录:经过冥思苦想的演讲,尤指以崇教或哲学为主题的美国传统〔memory〕It forces you to search your memory for the right answer.这迫使你为了正确答案而冥思苦想。外研社新世纪〔musing〕He is given to musing.他沉湎于冥思。文馨英汉〔quietism〕A form of Christian mysticism enjoining passive contemplation and the beatific annihilation of the will.寂静主义:基督教神秘主义的一种形式,禁止消极的冥思以及意志极乐的消亡美国传统〔scratch your head〕A lot of people must be scratching their heads about which way to vote.一定有很多人在冥思苦想应该把票投给哪一方。剑桥高阶〔sweat〕He sweated over the wording of his speech for several days.他几天来都在冥思苦想演讲的措辞。韦氏高阶〔think〕The act or an instance of deliberate or extended thinking; a meditation.思考:仔细考虑或深入思考的行为或事例;冥思美国传统〔trance〕Detachment from one's physical surroundings, as in contemplation or daydreaming.入定:与某人的物质环境所分离,如在冥思或白日梦中美国传统〔transcendental meditation〕A technique of meditation derived from Hindu traditions that promotes deep relaxation through the use of a mantra.超脱静坐:来自印度教教义的一种冥思方法,通过运用曼特罗达到高度放松美国传统〔whistle up〕As he is a good teacher,he often has to whistle up new ideas for lessons.作为一个好老师,他常常要为功课冥思苦想些新招。21世纪英汉〔wrestle〕What he liked to do was to take an idea and wrestle it by finding every possible consequence.他喜欢做的事情就是先提出一个想法,然后冥思苦想,找出可能产生的各种后果。柯林斯高阶Each sentence seems a quarry of rich meditations. 每一句话似乎都给人以许多冥思默想。译典通I have been puzzling about this question for weeks now. 我对这个问题已冥思苦想了好几个星期。译典通The children struggled with the puzzle for a while, until one of them suddenly saw the light--the red pieces fitted into the blue pieces.孩子们对着智力游戏冥思苦想了一会儿,直到其中的一个恍然大悟----红片应与蓝片相拼。剑桥国际




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