

单词 不正当
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISHONEST〕His acceptance of an interest-free £125,000 loan from a shady businessman looks suspicious to say the least. 他从一个不正当商人那里得到一笔125,000英镑的免息贷款,这件事至少是有可疑之处。朗文写作活用〔DISHONEST〕We couldn't discover anything specific, but there was definitely some sharp practice going on. 我们未能找到具体证据,但他们肯定在搞什么不正当的交易。朗文写作活用〔NOT〕What they're doing is not exactly dishonest, but it's not completely honest either. 他们所做的事不算很不正当,但也不是完全正当。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕No matter what the circumstances, street violence cannot be justified. 不管在何种情况下,街头暴力都是不正当的。朗文写作活用〔adjudication〕The tribunal was set up to provide unbiased adjudication of cases of unfair dismissal.成立特别法庭是为了对不正当解雇案件作出公正的判决。外研社新世纪〔advantage〕He has always been taking undue advantage of me.他老是用不正当的手段占我的便宜。英汉大词典〔adventurer〕One that attempts to gain wealth and social position by unscrupulous means.投机取巧者:用不正当手段谋求财富及社会地位者美国传统〔alienation〕It was an improper attempt to restrain alienation of property.这是想阻止财产转让的不正当企图。外研社新世纪〔amour〕A love affair, especially an illicit one.偷情:尤指不正当的男女关系美国传统〔arrogant〕Making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride.傲慢的:超越专横的傲慢对不正当的重要性或考虑提出或愿意提出要求美国传统〔arrogate〕To ascribe on behalf of another in an unwarranted manner.不正当地…归于:以无根据的方式把某事归于某人美国传统〔backdoor〕He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time.他做了不正当交易, 使政府预算能够按时得到议会批准。外研社新世纪〔bastard〕Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin.赝品,冒牌货:某种假冒的、不正当的、低劣的或来由有问题的东西美国传统〔belt〕Not according to the rules; unfairly.不正当地:不遵守规则地;不公平地美国传统〔bleed〕To obtain money from, especially by improper means.榨取:从…取得钱财,尤指通过不正当手段榨取钱财美国传统〔blink at〕If they knew anything underhand was going on, they apparently blinked at it.假如他们知道有什么不正当的事在进行, 那他们都显然是睁一只眼闭一只眼。外研社新世纪〔carry on with〕The manager has been carrying on with his secretary.经理与他的秘书一直有不正当的关系。21世纪英汉〔carry〕Lucy confessed to carrying on behind her husband's back.露茜承认她背着丈夫和别人有不正当关系。朗文当代〔carry〕She was carrying on with a neighbour.她和一个邻居有不正当关系。朗文当代〔compulsion〕The use of compulsion in psychiatric care cannot be justified.在精神病治疗中使用强制手段是不正当的。朗文当代〔conduct〕The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.委员会断定参议员们从事了不正当的活动。牛津搭配〔confession〕The court excluded the confession wrongly obtained by the police.法院没有采纳警方通过不正当方法获得的供词作为证据。牛津搭配〔connive〕He would not be the first politician to connive at a shady business deal.他不会是第一个默许不正当商业交易的政客。朗文当代〔crookedly〕She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother.她可能会向当税务稽查员的哥哥揭发他那些不正当的交易。柯林斯高阶〔dealing〕There were reports of shady dealings between the two sides.有报道指出双方存在不正当交易。韦氏高阶〔dirty tricks〕The airline was accused of a dirty tricks campaign against its main rival.这家航空公司受到指控,称其对主要竞争对手使用了不正当手段。剑桥高阶〔dishonest〕He got his money in dishonest ways.他以不正当的方式搞钱。英汉大词典〔dismiss〕I would certainly dismiss any allegations of impropriety by the Labour Party.对于工党指责我行为不正当,我当然不会理会。柯林斯高阶〔employ〕The company is accused of employing questionable methods to obtain the contract.公司遭到采取不正当手段取得合同的指控。韦氏高阶〔exclude〕The judges decided to exclude evidence which had been unfairly attained.法官决定把用不正当手段获取的证据排除在外。朗文当代〔exploit〕She said the tragedy had been exploited by the media.她说这起惨案被媒体不正当利用了。韦氏高阶〔extortion〕Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.强求,逼取:不正当的运用政治地位或权力去获得财产、资金或官职美国传统〔fiddle〕To alter or falsify (accounts, for example) for dishonest gain.伪造:为不正当目的伪造或篡改,例如(帐目)美国传统〔finagle〕To use crafty, deceitful methods.使用欺骗手段:使用不正当、欺骗的手段美国传统〔fix〕An instance of arranging a special consideration, such as an exemption from a requirement, or an improper or illegal outcome, especially by means of bribery.贿赂,串通:安排特殊报酬的实例,尤指通过贿赂手段免除某种要求或不正当的、非法的结果美国传统〔footsie〕To cooperate or curry favor with in a sly or devious way.搞秘密交易:以一种秘密的或不正当的途径合作或搞交易美国传统〔foul〕Capital accumulation may be achieved by fair means or foul.实现资本积累的手段有正当的, 也有不正当的。外研社新世纪〔foul〕In a foul manner.犯规地;不正当地美国传统〔hold〕She still holds to the view that violence is never justified.她始终坚持暴力永远是不正当的这一观点。麦克米伦高阶〔hook〕By whatever means possible, fair or unfair.不择手段:采用任何正当或不正当的手段美国传统〔huckster〕One who uses aggressive, showy, and sometimes devious methods to promote or sell a product.强行推销人:使用夸张、卖弄、甚至有时不正当的手段推销或兜售商品的人美国传统〔hustle〕Slang To obtain something by deceitful or illicit means.【俚语】 骗取:以欺诈或不正当的手段得到美国传统〔illicit〕Dante clearly condemns illicit love.丹蒂旗帜鲜明地谴责不正当恋情。柯林斯高阶〔illicit〕Not sanctioned by custom or law; unlawful.非法的,不正当的:不为惯例或法律所允许的;不法的美国传统〔illicit〕She had an illicit affair with her boss.她和她的上司发生过不正当关系。韦氏高阶〔improper〕There was nothing improper about our relationship(= it did not involve sex).我们的关系没有什么不正当的。牛津高阶〔impropriety〕Accusations of impropriety were made against the company's directors.对公司董事不正当的行为提出了指控。朗文当代〔impropriety〕He has been accused of financial/sexual improprieties.他因财务作假/不正当性行为而被指控。韦氏高阶〔inappropriate〕He denies that they had any kind of inappropriate relationship.他否认他们有任何不正当关系。麦克米伦高阶〔information〕It was improper of the broker to withhold the information from the stock exchange.经纪人向证券交易所隐瞒信息的行为是不正当的。牛津搭配〔interpolate〕To change or falsify (a text) by introducing new or incorrect material.篡改:通过插入新的或不正当的材料改变或伪造(课本)美国传统〔juggle〕Trickery for a dishonest end.花招,骗局:为达到不正当目的的诡计花招美国传统〔liaison〕She embarked on a series of sexual liaisons with society figures.她开始接二连三地与社会名流发生不正当关系。外研社新世纪〔liaison〕The security services discovered his liaison with Miss Keeler.安保人员发现了他与基勒小姐之间的不正当关系。外研社新世纪〔mis-sell〕The company has been accused of mis-selling products to thousands of elderly investors.该公司被指控向数千名老年投资者不正当销售其产品。柯林斯高阶〔neck〕He's up to his neck in dodgy dealings.他卷入了不正当交易中。外研社新世纪〔oppressive〕Exercising power arbitrarily and often unjustly; tyrannical.压迫的:武断地但不正当地利用权力的,威迫的美国传统〔perverse〕Directed away from what is right or good; perverted.不正当的,堕落的:从正确或好的事物上偏离的;堕落的美国传统〔play around〕She's been playing around with one of her coworkers.她一直和一个男同事有不正当关系。韦氏高阶〔play〕He had played around with other women.他和其他女人有过不正当的性关系。麦克米伦高阶〔prier〕One who pries, especially a person who is unduly interested in the affairs of others.刺探者,窥探者:刺探的人,尤指对他人之事有不正当的兴趣的人美国传统〔profane〕To put to an improper, unworthy, or degrading use; abuse.滥用,玷污:不正当、可耻或卑鄙地使用;滥用美国传统〔pry〕He claims that the government is improperly prying into his affairs.他宣称政府在不正当地窥探他的私事。韦氏高阶〔questionable〕He has been dogged by allegations of questionable business practices.他一直被那些指控他有不正当商业行为的说法所困扰。柯林斯高阶〔questionable〕They acquired the money through questionable means.他们可能是通过不正当的方式获取钱财的。韦氏高阶〔regular〕I don't think your method of dealing with complaints is quite regular.我认为你处理申诉的方法不正当。英汉大词典〔rightly〕Rightly or wrongly, many older people are afraid of violence in the streets.不管正不正当,反正许多年长者都害怕街头暴力。牛津高阶〔scheme〕To make plans, especially secret or devious ones.密谋:制定方案,尤指秘密地或不正当地美国传统〔screw around〕She was screwing around with her boss.她和老板有不正当关系。韦氏高阶〔screw〕They say he's screwing the boss's wife.他们说他和老板的妻子有不正当关系。剑桥高阶〔shabby〕She spoke out about the shabby way the case had been handled.她揭露了处理现金的不正当手段。剑桥高阶〔shady〕She's been involved in some shady deals .她参与了一些不正当的事情。朗文当代〔sharp practice〕The industry brought in rules to protect customers from sharp practice.该行业制定了规章,旨在保护客户免受不正当手段的欺诈。剑桥高阶〔sitting duck〕The elderly are often sitting ducks for shady financial deals.老年人往往成为不正当金融交易的受害者。麦克米伦高阶〔smell〕His offer smells strongly of shady dealing.他的建议明显地带有不正当交易的意味。英汉大词典〔tamper〕To alter improperly.篡改:对…作不正当的改动美国传统〔trover〕A common-law action to recover damages for property illegally withheld or wrongfully converted to use by another.侵占物赔偿的诉讼:要求赔偿因他人非法滞留或不正当强占而造成的财产损坏的民法诉讼美国传统〔unfairly〕The American plane makers continue to accuse Airbus of unfair competition.美国飞机制造商继续指控空中客车公司不正当竞争。柯林斯高阶〔unfairly〕The criminal has unfairly appropriated benefits.罪犯用不正当手段挪用了救济金。外研社新世纪〔unlawful〕Contrary to accepted morality or convention; illicit.不正当的:与被普遍接受的道德准则或传统相反的;违反规定的美国传统〔wrongly〕She was wrongly accused.她受到不正当的指控。文馨英汉〔wrong〕Contrary to conscience, morality, or law; immoral or wicked.不道德的,不正当的:不合道德、良知或法律规则的;不道德的或邪恶的美国传统〔wrong〕This man has done nothing wrong.这位男子没有做过不正当的事。牛津高阶〔wrong〕We weren't doing anything wrong ! 我们没有做任何不正当的事!朗文当代For years she has been carrying on an illicit relationship with Tom. 多年来,她一直与汤姆维持著一个不正当的关系。译典通He claims they didn't play fair in winning the contract (= they did sth dishonest in order to get it).他声称他们是以不正当手段赢得合同的。牛津商务He got rich by devious means. 他靠不正当手段发了财。译典通He played his opponent foul. 他用不正当手段对待对手。译典通He was mixed up in some dishonest business. 他同某件不正当的事有牵连。译典通It was revealed that investors’savings had been diverted for nefarious purposes.据揭发投资者的存款曾转到不正当的用途。剑桥国际It would be unfair of you to duck out of going to the cinema.你想躲过不去电影院,这样是不正当的。剑桥国际It's not fair to take advantage of other people's misfortunes.利用别人的不幸是不正当的。剑桥国际Later in life, his affairs were conducted in England, where sexual tolerance was greater than in Ireland.晚年,他的风流艳事发生在英国,英国人比爱尔兰人更能容忍不正当的性关系。剑桥国际She has strenuously denied the allegations of financial impropriety.她强烈地否认了经济方面有不正当行为的指控。剑桥国际She is seeking legal redress for unfair dismissal.她正因遭不正当解雇而提起赔偿诉讼。牛津商务The angler for the position was rejected. 这个用不正当手段谋取职位的人遭到拒绝。译典通The investigation into the attorney-general's alleged improprieties should be complete next week.对司法部长不正当行为的调查应在下星期结束。剑桥国际The minister has dismissed the allegations of an affair with her chauffeur as smears and innuendo.该大臣把有人指控她与她的司机有不正当关系斥之为诽谤和影射。剑桥国际Their use of Machiavellian tactics to win the election was widely condemned.他们为赢得选举而采用的不正当手段受到了广泛的谴责。剑桥国际There seems to have been some funny business (=dishonest activity) going on with the company's funds.在公司的基金问题上似乎发生了什么不正当的事。剑桥国际




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