

单词 atmospheric
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕European governments are trying to conclude a treaty to ban certain atmospheric tests. 欧洲各国政府正在设法缔结条约,禁止某些大气试验。朗文写作活用〔MEASURE〕We use atmospheric pressure readings from barometers to forecast the weather. 我们利用气压计上的气压读数来预报天气。朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕When atmospheric conditions are right, radio waves bounce off the ionosphere and can be received many thousands of miles away. 在适当的大气条件下,无线电波从电离层反弹回来,在数千英里之外都可以接收得到。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Snow crystals form when atmospheric conditions turn water vapour into ice. 大气环境将水蒸气转变为冰就形成了雪晶体。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The cylinder swelled and contracted with the changing atmospheric pressure. 随着大气压力的变化,圆筒会膨胀和收缩。朗文写作活用〔abiotic〕The abiotic factors of the environment include light, temperature, and atmospheric gases.环境的非生物因素包括光、温度和大气美国传统〔absolute ceiling〕The maximum altitude above sea level at which an aircraft or missile can maintain horizontal flight under standard atmospheric conditions.绝对顶点,绝对航高:高于海平面的最高高度,在标准大气情况下飞机或导弹能在此高度维持水平飞行美国传统〔acid precipitation〕Precipitation abnormally high in sulfuric and nitric acid content that is caused by atmospheric pollutants.酸性降水:由于空气污染引起的降雨中硫酸或硝酸不正常的过高含量美国传统〔aerobraking〕The use of atmospheric drag rather than onboard thrusters to reduce the velocity of a satellite or spacecraft.大气层减速,大气阻力:利用大气层阻力而不是船载推进器来降低卫星或宇宙飞船的速度美国传统〔aeromagnetics〕The science of magnetic characteristics associated with atmospheric conditions.航空磁测学:有关大气条件下磁性质的科学美国传统〔aerometeorograph〕An aircraft instrument for simultaneously recording temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity.高空气象计:自动记录温度,空气压气以及湿度的飞机仪器美国传统〔aerostatics〕The science of gases in equilibrium and of the equilibrium of balloons or aircraft under changing atmospheric flight conditions.空气静力学:关于平衡状态下气体以及不断变化的大气飞行条件下的气球或航空器平衡状态的科学美国传统〔afterglow〕The atmospheric glow that remains for a short time after sunset.晚霞;余晖:日落后,天空中的大气所发散出的短暂光辉美国传统〔agreement〕There is wide agreement that the forest damage is the result of atmospheric pollution.广泛认可/公认麦克米伦高阶〔aircraft〕A machine or device, such as an airplane, a helicopter, a glider, or a dirigible, that is capable of atmospheric flight.飞机;航空器:能够在空中飞行的机器或装置,如飞机、直升机、滑翔机或飞船美国传统〔air〕An atmospheric movement; a breeze or wind.微风:大气的流动;一阵微风或风美国传统〔anaerobe〕An organism, such as a bacterium, that can live in the absence of atmospheric oxygen.厌氧微生物:可在无氧环境下生存的一种有机体,如细菌美国传统〔atmospheric pressure〕At high altitudes there is less atmospheric pressure , making it more difficult for the lungs to extract oxygen from the air.在高海拔处气压低, 肺部从空气中吸氧困难。外研社新世纪〔atmospherics〕Dickensian atmospherics.狄更斯小说的情调柯林斯高阶〔atmospheric〕I quite like fog because it's atmospheric.我喜欢雾,因为它能营造独特氛围。剑桥高阶〔atmospheric〕If atmospheric conditions are right, it may be possible to see this group of stars tonight.如果大气条件好,今晚或许能看到这一组星星。剑桥高阶〔atmospheric〕It's a great piece of atmospheric film-making.这是一部很有电影制作味道的作品。麦克米伦高阶〔atmospheric〕One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.古老的犹太人社区是布拉格最具特色的角落之一。柯林斯高阶〔atmospheric〕One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.古老的犹太人社区是布拉格最具风情的角落之一。外研社新世纪〔atmospheric〕Plants are the main source of atmospheric oxygen.大气中的氧气主要是植物产生的。剑桥高阶〔atmospheric〕Schoenberg's menacingly atmospheric accompaniment to a film scene勋伯格为电影画面营造紧张气氛的配乐外研社新世纪〔atmospheric〕The group will perform in the wonderfully atmospheric setting of King's College Chapel in Old Aberdeen.该组合将在阿伯丁老城内国王学院教堂那充满美妙情调的环境下演出。外研社新世纪〔atmospherium〕An optical device designed to project images of atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds, on the inside of a dome.气象仪:将大气现象的映像,如云,投射到一个圆顶内侧的一种光学装置美国传统〔azure〕The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.由于大气污染,雅典曾经蔚蓝的天空已经面目全非。剑桥高阶〔barometer〕Abbr. bar.An instrument for measuring atmospheric pressure, used especially in weather forecasting.缩写 bar.气压表,气压计:测量大气压力的仪器,尤用于天气预报美国传统〔biometeorology〕The study of the relationship between atmospheric conditions, such as temperature and humidity, and living organisms.生物气象学:有关大气状态,如温度和压力与生物之间的关系的研究学科美国传统〔blast〕The violent effect of such an explosion, consisting of a wave of increased atmospheric pressure followed immediately by a wave of decreased pressure.震动:爆炸引起的强烈效果,包括一股被升高的气压,紧接一股低气压美国传统〔boiling point〕Abbr. bpThe temperature at which a liquid boils at a fixed pressure, especially under standard atmospheric conditions.缩写 bp沸点:液体在一定压力下沸腾时的温度,尤指在标准大气压下液体的沸腾温度美国传统〔camerawork〕The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches.导演在镜头运用上既富有美感又渲染了气氛,戏剧手法的运用也娴熟自如。柯林斯高阶〔camerawork〕The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork.导演采用了渲染美感和情调的摄影手法。外研社新世纪〔clear-air turbulence〕A severe atmospheric turbulence that occurs under otherwise tranquil conditions and subjects aircraft to strong updrafts and downdrafts.晴空湍流:一种剧烈的空气湍流,发生在其它方面平静的条件下并使飞行器发生强烈的上下颠簸美国传统〔cold front〕The leading portion of a cold atmospheric air mass moving against and eventually replacing a warm air mass.冷锋:冷空气气团的前锋部分,排斥并最终取代暖气团美国传统〔compressed air〕Air under greater than atmospheric pressure, especially when used to power a mechanical device or to provide a portable supply of oxygen.压缩空气:在高于大气压的压力下的空气,尤指用来驱动机械装置或为便携供氧器供氧美国传统〔consummately〕The film is a well made, atmospheric, consummately acted piece.这部电影制作精良, 艺术氛围浓厚, 表演精湛。外研社新世纪〔consummate〕The film is a well made, atmospheric, consummately acted piece.这部电影是一部制作精良、很有味道、表演臻于完美的作品。柯林斯高阶〔convection〕Meteorology The transfer of heat or other atmospheric properties by massive motion within the atmosphere, especially by such motion directed upward.【气象学】 大气对流:通过大气层内大规模气流运动进行的热量或其它大气属性的传递,尤指通过向上的气流运动美国传统〔couple〕Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.海洋表面温度与大气的流动是密切相关的。英汉大词典〔decay〕Aerospace The decrease in orbital altitude of an artificial satellite as a result of conditions such as atmospheric drag.【太空学】 能量消减:人造卫星由于大气阻力等的作用结果,在轨道高度上能量消减美国传统〔decompress〕To adjust to normal atmospheric conditions after being exposed to increased pressure.使减压:在增强气压作用下后,调整至正常的大气状况美国传统〔decompress〕To bring (a person exposed to conditions of increased pressure) gradually back to normal atmospheric pressure.使卸压:使(处于增强气压作用下的人)逐渐回到正常的大气压下美国传统〔dehumidify〕To remove atmospheric moisture from.减低…的大气湿度美国传统〔dipnoan〕Any of various fishes of the group Dipnoi, which includes the lungfishes, characterized by modified lungs that enable them to breathe atmospheric air.肺鱼:一种属于肺鱼亚纲的鱼类,包括肺鱼,其特征为有可改变的肺,从而呼吸大气中的空气美国传统〔disturbance〕Hurricanes begin as atmospheric disturbances over Africa.飓风始于非洲上空的大气扰动。外研社新世纪〔dynamics〕This software is used for modelling atmospheric dynamics.这个软件用于模拟空气动力。剑桥高阶〔elevation〕Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation and temperature.气压随海拔和气温的变化而变化。剑桥高阶〔fog〕An obscuring haze, as of atmospheric dust or smoke.烟雾,尘雾:如空气中的尘土或烟雾等模糊的雾气美国传统〔freezing point〕The temperature at which the liquid and solid phases of a substance of specified composition are in equilibrium at atmospheric pressure.凝固温度:特定合成物的液态和固态在大气压力下处于平衡时的温度美国传统〔greenhouse gas〕Any of the atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.温室气体:任何促成温室效应发生大气中的气体美国传统〔haze〕Atmospheric moisture, dust, smoke, and vapor that diminishes visibility.雾气:造成能见度降低的大气潮气、尘埃、烟雾以及水汽美国传统〔high-pressure〕Of or relating to pressures higher than normal, especially higher than atmospheric pressure.高压的:具有、涉及高于平常的压力的,尤指高于大气压的美国传统〔high〕A center of high atmospheric pressure; an anticyclone.高气压中心;高气压圈美国传统〔hydrometeorology〕The branch of meteorology that deals with the occurrence, motion, and changes of state of atmospheric water.水象学:气象学的一个分支,与大气中水分的现象,运动及状态的变化有关美国传统〔hygrograph〕An automatic hygrometer that records variations in atmospheric humidity.湿度计:纪录空气湿度变化的自动液体比重计美国传统〔hygrometer〕Any of several instruments that measure atmospheric humidity.湿度计:测量大气湿度的几种器具的任何一种美国传统〔hygroscope〕An instrument that indicates changes in atmospheric humidity.验湿器:显示大气温度变化的一种仪器美国传统〔hypsometer〕An instrument using the atmospheric pressure as measured by the change in the boiling point of water to determine land elevations.沸点测高计:用大气压测水的沸点的变化来决定陆地海拔的一种仪器美国传统〔isallobar〕A line on a weather map connecting places having equal changes in atmospheric pressure within a given period of time.等变压线:气象图上联结在一定时期内气压相等的地点的线美国传统〔lapse rate〕The rate of decrease of atmospheric temperature with increase in altitude.气温直减率:随着海拔升高大气温度下降的比率美国传统〔low〕Meteorology A region of atmospheric pressure that is below normal.【气象学】 低气压区:大气压低于正常值的地区美国传统〔measurement〕The instruments are used for taking measurements of atmospheric conditions.这些仪器用来测量大气状况。韦氏高阶〔measurement〕The instruments provide accurate measurement of atmospheric conditions.这些仪器能对大气状况进行精确的测量。韦氏高阶〔measure〕The satellite measures atmospheric gases responsible for ozone destruction.该卫星测量破坏臭氧的大气层气体。麦克米伦高阶〔melting point〕The temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid at standard atmospheric pressure.熔点:在标准压强之下固体熔化成液体的温度美国传统〔microbarograph〕An instrument used to record very small changes in atmospheric pressure.微(气)压计:用来记录大气压力的极小变化的仪器美国传统〔nitric oxide〕A colorless, poisonous gas, NO, produced as an intermediate during the manufacture of nitric acid from ammonia or atmospheric nitrogen.氧化一氮:一种无色有毒气体NO,在用氨或大气的氮生产硝酸的过程中作为中间物生产出来美国传统〔nitrogen fixation〕The conversion by certain soil microorganisms, such as rhizobia, of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds that plants and other organisms can assimilate.细菌固氮:通过某种的土壤微生物,如根瘤细菌,将大气氮变为植物和其他有机物能吸收的化合物的转化美国传统〔nitrogen fixation〕The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into compounds, such as ammonia, by natural agencies or various industrial processes.固氮:通过自然作用或各种工业过程,由大气氮变为氮化合物,如氨美国传统〔overpressure〕A transient air pressure, such as the shock wave from an explosion, that is greater than the surrounding atmospheric pressure.超压力:高于周围的大气压的瞬时气压,如爆炸产生的冲击波美国传统〔particulate matter〕Material suspended in the air in the form of minute solid particles or liquid droplets, especially when considered as an atmospheric pollutant.粒状物质:悬浮于空气中以固体或液体微分子状存在的物质,尤指大气污染物美国传统〔pre-industrial〕Atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide will triple compared to pre-industrial levels.大气中的二氧化碳水平将是工业化前的三倍。外研社新世纪〔pressure〕Meteorology Atmospheric pressure.【气象学】 大气压力美国传统〔rain〕Water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops.雨:从水蒸气凝结并成滴降落下的水美国传统〔regulation〕The act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.该法案对大气污染作出更为严格的规定。牛津搭配〔respect〕It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmospheric pollution.这将引起许多有关大气污染的问题。外研社新世纪〔seiche〕A wave that oscillates in lakes, bays, or gulfs from a few minutes to a few hours as a result of seismic or atmospheric disturbances.湖面波动,湖震:因地震或大气震荡而引起的湖泊、港湾或海湾等内陆海面的波动,持续几分钟到几小时美国传统〔sensitive〕A barometer is sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure.气压计对气压的变化反应很灵敏。英汉大词典〔sferics〕The study of atmospherics, especially using electronic detectors.大气学:对大气的研究,尤指用电子仪器美国传统〔shot〕He received praise for the atmospheric monochrome shots in David Lynch's The Elephant Man.他在大卫·林奇的电影《象人》中所拍摄的那些渲染气氛的黑白镜头受到了好评。柯林斯高阶〔smaze〕A relatively dry atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze.烟霾:一种较干燥的烟和雾的气态混合物美国传统〔southern oscillation〕The atmospheric pressure conditions corresponding to the periodic warming of El Niño and cooling of La Niña.南方大气波动:相符合于周期性厄尔尼诺现象的温暖及拉尼娜现象的寒冷所造成的大气压力美国传统〔static〕Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声:随机噪声,如接收器中的碎啪声或电视屏幕上的光斑,是由信号的大气干扰造成的美国传统〔statoscope〕A barometer for recording small variations in atmospheric pressure.灵敏气压计:记录大气压微小变化的气压计美国传统〔storm〕An atmospheric disturbance manifested in strong winds accompanied by rain, snow, or other precipitation and often by thunder and lightning.暴风雨(雪):以强风伴随雨,雪或其它降水并经常带有雷电为表现的大气剧烈运动美国传统〔sweat〕To condense atmospheric moisture.凝结空气水份美国传统〔trough〕Meteorology An elongated region of relatively low atmospheric pressure, often associated with a front.【气象学】 低气压槽:气压较低的细长地带,常与锋联系在一起美国传统〔vacuum gauge〕A device for measuring pressures below atmospheric pressure.真空计:测量低于大气压的压强的装置美国传统〔vacuum〕A space in which the pressure is significantly lower than atmospheric pressure.真空般状态:压强明显比大气压强低得多的空间美国传统〔weatherglass〕An instrument, such as a barometer, designed to indicate changes in atmospheric conditions.睛雨计,气压计,湿度计:用于显示大气状况变化的一种工具,如气压计美国传统Atmospheric pressure varies with elevation (= height) and temperature.气压随高度和气温的变化而变化。剑桥国际If atmospheric conditions are right, it may be possible to see this group of stars tonight.如果大气状况理想,今晚可能看得见这组星。剑桥国际Plants are the main source of atmospheric oxygen.大气中的氧主要是由植物产生的。剑桥国际She frequents the atmospheric cafe. 她常去那家俱乐艺术氛围的咖啡馆。译典通The once azure skies of Athens have been ruined by atmospheric pollution.一度是蔚蓝色的雅典天空现已被大气污染毁了。剑桥国际The radio program was indistinct because of the atmospherics. 由于大气干扰,无线电节目听不清楚。译典通The radio signal gets degraded by atmospheric interference.无线电信号由于大气干扰而减弱。剑桥国际The stage lighting was highly atmospheric.舞台灯光具有十分典雅的情调。剑桥国际This software is used for modelling atmospheric dynamics.该软件用于模拟空气动力。剑桥国际When divers have been deep underwater, they should be careful not to return to normal atmospheric pressure too quickly.如果潜水员作了深潜,他们应注意不可过快地回到正常的大气压力中。剑桥国际




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