

单词 vertically
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bi-level〕A dwelling that is divided vertically into two ground-floor levels.双层住宅:垂直分成两层的住宅美国传统〔convertiplane〕An airplane built to fly vertically as well as forward.垂直升降飞机:一种既可向前飞亦可垂直飞行的飞机美国传统〔core〕A cylindrical mass drilled vertically into the earth and removed from it to determine composition or presence of oil or gas.钻心:圆柱形物质,用于垂直地钻入地下然后取出以测定石油或天然气的组成或存在美国传统〔cut〕Cut the tomatoes in half vertically.把西红柿纵向切成两半。柯林斯高阶〔dive〕The aircraft appeared to dive vertically towards the crowd.这架飞机似乎在垂直向下朝人群俯冲。朗文当代〔dive〕Unlike some birds, it does not dive vertically.和一些鸟不一样,这种鸟不垂直俯冲。牛津搭配〔dormer〕A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.屋顶窗,老虎窗:被垂直置于小三角墙上的窗户,小三角墙从倾斜的屋顶伸出美国传统〔drop curtain〕A theater curtain that is lowered or raised vertically rather than drawn to the side.吊幕:垂直落下或升起而非左右拉开的幕美国传统〔drop〕The cliff drops almost vertically.悬崖几乎是垂直向下。韦氏高阶〔file〕Games Any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.【游戏】 格子纵列:在国际象棋棋盘或西洋跳棋盘上一列垂直排列或在两名游戏者之间的方格美国传统〔fluidize〕Powder is fluidized whenever it is necessary to lift it vertically.每当需要垂直向上输送粉末时,就使之流化。英汉大词典〔gill net〕A fishing net set vertically in the water so that fish swimming into it are entangled by the gills in its mesh.鱼刺网:垂直设在水中的渔网,因此鱼游过时,网会把鱼鳃缠住美国传统〔half〕Cut the tomatoes in half vertically.把番茄竖着切成两半。柯林斯高阶〔headstand〕A position, as in gymnastics or yoga, in which one supports oneself vertically on one's head with the hands braced for support on the floor or on a mat.倒立:体操或瑜珈功中头手垂直支撑身体于地或垫子上的一种姿势美国传统〔jackstay〕A rope or rod running vertically on the forward side of the mast on which the yard moves.帆桅支索,纵竖索杆:在桅杆前面垂直运动的绳或杆,帆桁在此上移动美国传统〔king post〕A supporting post extending vertically from a crossbeam to the apex of a triangular truss.桁架中柱:垂直连接三角桁架的横梁和顶点的支撑杆美国传统〔moved〕You can move the camera both vertically and horizontally.你可以上下左右移动摄像机。柯林斯高阶〔order arms〕A position in the military manual of arms in which the rifle is held vertically next to the right leg with its butt resting on the ground.立正持枪:在军队的军事教学手册中规定的姿势,要求步枪枪托触地、枪身垂直紧贴右腿美国传统〔parbuckle〕A sling for raising or lowering an object vertically.起重索套:一种用于垂直提升或放下物体的绳索美国传统〔parrel〕A sliding loop of rope or chain by which a running yard or gaff is connected to, while still being able to move vertically along, the mast.装于帆桁中央两侧的索具:能滑动的绳圈或链子,用来把帆桁或缆索拴在船桅上,使之仍可以随意升降美国传统〔pestle〕A large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound, as in a press or mill.杵,研棒:一种作垂直运动来压碎或捣碎的大棒,如在压榨机或磨粉机中美国传统〔present arms〕A position in the military manual of arms in which the rifle is held vertically in front of the body.持枪姿势:军事手册上的姿势,用手将枪竖直持在身前美国传统〔queen post〕One of two upright supporting posts set vertically between the rafters and the tie beam at equal distances from the apex of a roof.衍架双柱:两根直立支撑柱之一,从屋顶的最高点垂直等距地设在椽子和系梁之间美国传统〔rudder〕Nautical A vertically hinged plate of metal, fiberglass, or wood mounted at the stern of a vessel for directing its course.【航海】 舵:垂直的有铰链的圆盘,用金属、玻璃纤维或木头制成,置于船头之上以调整方向美国传统〔seine〕A large fishing net made to hang vertically in the water by weights at the lower edge and floats at the top.围网:一种垂直悬立在水中的,下缘装有沉子上缘装有浮子的大型鱼网美国传统〔stick up〕These plants stick up vertically from the seabed.这些植物从海底向上垂直生长。外研社新世纪〔trammel〕A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh.三层刺网:一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成美国传统〔upright piano〕A piano having the strings mounted vertically in a rectangular case with the keyboard at a right angle to the case.立式钢琴:一种钢琴,弦垂直地装在长方形音箱中,键盘与音箱成直角美国传统〔vertically〕Cut each bulb in half vertically.将每个球茎竖切成两半。柯林斯高阶〔vertically〕The cliff rose vertically to the sky.这个峭壁直耸天空。韦氏高阶〔vertically〕The human brain is divided vertically into two hemispheres.人脑被竖分成两个半球。外研社新世纪〔vertical〕The rocks rose almost vertically from the lake.这些岩石几乎是垂直地从湖里冒了出来。麦克米伦高阶〔well〕An open space extending vertically through the floors of a building, as for stairs or ventilation.楼梯井,通风井:垂直地通过建筑物各层的开阔空间,如为了建楼梯或通风美国传统The human brain is divided vertically down the middle into two hemispheres. 人脑从中央垂直地分为两半球。译典通Walls of rock towered vertically on either side of them as they edged their way along the narrow mountain path.石墙在他们两侧垂直而立,他们就从那狭窄的山间小道挤进去。剑桥国际




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