

单词 spruce
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔WASH〕She went into the washroom at the airport to get spruced up before meeting the others. 她去机场的洗手间打扮整理一下再去见别人。朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕I think I'll go and spruce myself up before dinner. 我想去打扮一下再去吃晚饭。朗文写作活用〔WELL-DRESSED〕On Saturdays we got spruced up and headed off into town. 星期六我们打扮好了然后进城。朗文写作活用〔blue〕Bluish or having parts that are blue or bluish, as the blue spruce and the blue whale.带青色的,浅蓝色的:青色的或有一部分是蓝色或青色的,如蓝云杉和蓝鲸美国传统〔boreal〕Boreal Of or relating to the forest areas of the northern North Temperate Zone, dominated by coniferous trees such as spruce, fir, and pine. Boreal 北温带北部森林地区的:北温带北部森林地区的或与之相关的,主要植物为针叶树,如云杉、枞树和松树美国传统〔budworm〕A larva of several tortricid moths, especially the spruce budworm, that devours plant buds.芽虫:一些卷叶蛾的幼虫,尤指云杉芽虫,吞食植物的幼芽美国传统〔conifer〕Any of various mostly needle-leaved or scale-leaved, chiefly evergreen, cone-bearing gymnospermous trees or shrubs such as pines, spruces, and firs.针叶树:任一种生针状或鳞状叶常绿的、结球果的裸子树木或灌木,例如松树、云杉和冷杉美国传统〔excurrent〕Having a single, undivided trunk with lateral branches, as in spruce trees.(茎)贯顶的,(树性)塔状的:主轴延伸成不分枝的茎或杆的,如云杉美国传统〔list〕The damaged ship listed badly to starboard. Erosion first listed, then toppled the spruce tree.被毁的船向右舷严重倾斜。先是泥流向一边冲蚀,然后针枞树向前倒下美国传统〔lumber〕It was made of soft lumber, spruce by the look of it.其制作材料是软木,看起来像是云杉。柯林斯高阶〔lumber〕It was made of soft lumber, spruce by the look of it.其材质是软木, 看起来像是云杉。外研社新世纪〔monopodium〕A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches.单轴:植物的主轴,如云杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长出旁枝美国传统〔pliable〕The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。外研社新世纪〔pliable〕The finely twined baskets are made with young, pliable spruce roots.这些编织精美的篮子是用柔韧的云杉嫩树根编成的。柯林斯高阶〔pulpwood〕Soft wood, such as spruce, aspen, or pine, used in making paper.软木:如针枞木、白杨或松木等用于造纸的软木美国传统〔smarten〕To improve in appearance or stylishness; spruce up.打扮:在相貌和风格上提高;打扮美国传统〔spar〕The mast, which was a solid spruce spar, bent like a bow, and for a moment I thought we were going to lose it.坚固的云杉木做成的桅杆已经弯得像一把弓,那一刻我觉得它马上就要断了。柯林斯高阶〔spruce sb/sth up〕I thought I'd have a shave and generally spruce myself up for the interview.我想我要刮一下胡子,穿戴整齐去面试。剑桥高阶〔spruce sb/sth up〕They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up the company image.他们请了一家广告公司来打造公司的形象。剑桥高阶〔spruce up〕I need to spruce myself up a bit before we go out to dinner.我们赴宴前我得打扮一下。韦氏高阶〔spruce up〕In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner.到了晚上, 我们稍微收拾打扮了一番, 然后出去吃晚餐。外研社新世纪〔spruce up〕In the evening we spruced ourselves up a bit and went out for dinner.到了晚上,我们稍微收拾打扮了一番,然后出去吃晚餐。柯林斯高阶〔spruce up〕Many buildings have been spruced up.很多大楼都被装扮一新。柯林斯高阶〔spruce up〕Many buildings have been spruced up.很多大楼都装扮一新。外研社新世纪〔spruce up〕We spruced up the room with a fresh coat of paint.我们把这个房间重新粉刷了一次,把它修饰得既整洁又漂亮。韦氏高阶〔spruce〕Spruce up and go with me.打扮一下跟我走。21世纪英汉〔spruce〕Spruce yourself up a bit—you look a mess.把自己打扮得整洁漂亮一些,你的样子很邋遢。英汉大词典〔spruce〕Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut.克里斯穿着硬领黑衫,新理了短发,看起来整洁帅气。柯林斯高阶〔spruce〕Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.早期的定居者用云杉木、枫木和松木建造屋架。外研社新世纪〔spruce〕Early settlers built frames of spruce, maple and pine.早期的定居者用云杉木、枫木和松木建造屋架。柯林斯高阶〔spruce〕He looked spruce and handsome in a clean white shirt.他穿着干净的白衬衫,显得清清爽爽,很是帅气。剑桥高阶〔spruce〕He looked spruce in his best clothes.他穿了最漂亮的衣裳,看来很神气。牛津同义词〔spruce〕He looked very spruce in his new suit.他穿了一套新衣服,样子很帅。韦氏高阶〔spruce〕I'll go and spruce up before going out.我出门前要打扮一下。英汉大词典〔spruce〕Mr Bailey was looking very spruce in a white linen suit.贝利先生穿着一身白色亚麻布套服,看上去真帅。朗文当代〔spruce〕Paul went upstairs to spruce up before dinner.保罗在吃晚饭前上楼打扮了一下。朗文当代〔spruce〕She spruced up for the interview.她为参加面试打扮了一番。牛津高阶〔spruce〕The cottage had been spruced up a bit since her last visit.她上次来过以后,小屋收拾得整洁些了。朗文当代〔spruce〕The well-tended villas were as spruce as copper-plate book-keeping.这些经精心照管的别墅,其整洁漂亮犹如用工整的字体写成的簿记。英汉大词典〔spruce〕Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted.种植了云杉、松树和橡树等树木。柯林斯高阶〔spruce〕What are you spruced up for?打扮得这么漂亮,干什么去呀?21世纪英汉〔spruce〕You're looking very spruce in your new suit.你穿了一套新衣服,样子十分整洁漂亮。英汉大词典〔taiga〕A subarctic, evergreen coniferous forest of northern Eurasia located just south of the tundra and dominated by firs and spruces.泰加群落, 西伯利亚针叶林:欧亚大陆北部冻土地带以南的亚寒带常绿针叶林,主要树种为杉树和柏树美国传统〔titivate〕To make decorative additions to; spruce up.打扮:深化…作装饰性的修饰;把…打扮得漂亮美国传统Firs, spruces and pines are conifers.冷杉、云杉和松树都是针叶树。剑桥国际Go and spruce yourself up. 去打扮打扮。译典通He looked spruce and clean-shaven in a clean white shirt.他穿着干净的白衬衫,胡子刮得光光的,看上去整洁漂亮。剑桥国际I thought I'd have a shave and generally spruce myself up for the interview.我想我要把胡子刮干净并且穿戴整齐,再去进行面试。剑桥国际They've employed an advertising agency to spruce up (= improve) the company image.他们雇用了一家广告代理机构,来改善公司的形象。剑桥国际




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